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Time to Wrap DIS UP!!!!! Please COmment, vote, and Follow!!!! Love you guyssss!!!!❤️

Oh, and my 100th follower will receive a shout out!


Eren's POV

I found Levi waiting for me at the bike stands after school, scrolling on his phone. He didn't notice me, so I snuck up behind him and surprised him. I wrapped my arms around my lover and kissed his neck sweetly.


He chuckled, "I'm glad you're in a good mood. How's your friend?"

"He's been better. He said he's walking alone today to avoid your brother," I said, laying my head on his shoulder.

"I'm sorry," Levi apologized, "for my idiot brother. Mikasa told him and me about the deal with Jean. It was his wake up call."

The stress of the day made me more needy than usual. I felt clingy, nuzzling into his shoulder comfortably. I was glad to hear Erwin realized what he did, and hopefully, now they'll make up. Levi was texting someone, making me get a sense of jealousy, as stupid as it was. I peered down and read the person's name: Shitty Glasses.

"Who's that? Are they a friend of yours?" I interrogated.

The raven found my envy amusing, answering, "Don't worry, brat. It's a childhood friend of mine. She's an annoying lunatic with glasses that won't leave me alone."

"Charming," I sarcastically commented, burying my face back into his neck.

His scent was clean and calming to me. Being taller than Levi had its advantages like being able to rest my head perfectly on his. I didn't have to lean too far to rest on his shoulder, making him my favorite pillow.

"Oi, brat," Levi smirked, "what's up?"

"Nothing, just wanting affection. Today has been slow and stressful."

Levi placed his phone in his pocket and checked my cheek. I smiled goofily as I blushed. Levi turned and pulled me into his arms.

"That's a shame," Levi gibed, "cause I'd only give affection to my boyfriend."

"Levi!" I complained, giggling tiredly.

He tried to pull away from me, but my arms kept him in place. He could've easily pushed me off of him if he wanted to; however, he enjoyed the embrace.

Levi playfully scoffed, "You're impossible. Why won't you just date me?"

"Hm-" I joked, "Give me three good reasons."

The raven ticked his tongue and chortled, "One, you're not allowed to date anyone else. Two, I'm clearly the best choice. And three-" He leaned up to me ear and purred, "I love you."

My knees went weak as the low tone sent shivers down my spine. Levi's voice turned me into a flustered mess. Those three words were overly used, but I knew Levi meant it. He never regretted anything he said.

"Very convincing, but I think a demand for an hour of snuggling is required." I giggled, pecking his lips.

"I can work with that."

I quickly sent my mom a heads up text saying I was going to hang out with Levi. We decided to head to Levi's house and watch a movie to just chill. We rode there on the raven's bike, passing Erwin on the way. We paid no mind to him and continued on as quickly as Levi could pedal. Once we reached the neighborhood, Levi slowed his pace, allowing me to see the alley that I dreaded for so long.

The memories of the pain flash through my mind. The fear of losing the safety of my home had controlled me for so long. It might've been filled with hate, but love was pulling strings behind the curtain.

Levi pulled into his driveway and parked his bike. Once he got off, I placed a tender kiss on his cheek. He was caught off guard from the peck and lightly blushed. I awed at his rosy cheeks that he tried to hide.

"Levi, that was so cute! I don't think I've ever seen you blush before," I giggled, lacing my fingers with his.

"I'm not cute, brat." Levi retorted, pulling me towards his front door.

There was no car in the driveway, assuming his parents weren't home. His brother was stuck in traffic, so we had the house to ourselves. Levi's house was immaculate and tidy. It was similar in size to mine but modeled differently.

"Wanna grab some snacks before watching the movie?" Levi asked, taking his shoes off and carefully placing them in the foyer.

I copied him and shrugged, "Sounds good with me."

I trailed him into the kitchen and sat on an island barstool seated in the middle of the room. Levi searched through the pantry and retrieved some chips.

Laying them on the bar, he asked, "Any preferences of food?"

"I'm not that picky, but I am hungry for you," I teased.

His cheeks glowed red as he tried to bite back a smile. I walked around the bar and hugged him from behind, chuckling at his reaction.

"You sly bastard," Levi huffed. "Do you enjoy flustering me?"

I kissed his neck lustfully, only making him turn a darker shade of red. After a minute of searching, I found his sweet spot. I kissed and nipped at it, only stopping when I earned a moan in return. The raven covered his face in embarrassment, but I found this expression of his adorable.

"I think flustering you might be a new hobby of mine." I purred softly in his ear.

Levi faced me, and with a look of determination, challenged, "I bet I can get you to blush just as much."

"Go ahead and try."

He, then, started to passionately attack my neck, rougher than I did to his. I already felt my knees weaken as I bit my lip. Suddenly, I felt him reach behind me and tease the back of my pants. His roaming fingers caused me to moan out his name despite my attempt to bite it back. My face was hot along with the rest of me, but I was thankful that I didn't get too excited.

The front door opened and closed loudly, meaning Erwin finally got home. Levi pecked my lips one last time, gloating, "Told ya so. Come on, let's watch a movie before Erwin bothers us."

"Sure thing, but Levi?" I said, grabbing his attention. "I love you too."

The raven smiled one of his rare smiles that only I was able to see. He instantly threw his arms around me in a tight, needy hug as to say thank you.

I heard him whisper, "Eren, you're turning me soft, you brat."

"Not my problem," I sassed, chuckling under my breath.

"Not my problem," I sassed, chuckling under my breath

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