Chapter 10

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Parisas POV:

We laid there for a while motionless, my head rested on his chest. I was thinking about bad stuff, when I should of been thinking about good stuff. I kept thinking about if we ever broke up. I would never brake up with him now, but what about the future? I know Betsy said are connection was to strong.... but what if that teared us apart? I stared up at Charlie, at his handsome young face. He looked down at me and smiled, I tried to smile back, but I couldn't. His smile faded. "Whats wrong?"

"Nothing." He sighed, "p I know when somethings wrong."

"Your right." I readied myself. "What if we break up?" He seemed taken back. "We wont though... will we?"

"No! Its just... I love you a lot... forget it. I never said anything." He smiled sympathetically, but I knew what I said had hurt him. "Im sorry...Im scared." I admitted. Shock spread across him. "Scared."

"Yeah... scared ill mess up... lose you... destroy the band."

Charlies POV:

"Oh p." I hugged her tightly. "Your scared? You? The strongest person ive met?" She giggled, "dont Charlie you'll set me off!"

"OK." I grinned. I pecked her on the lips and she smiled, she looked deep into my eyes and I looked in hers. She moved closer to me, I could feel her breath on my skin, her lips almost on mine. Suddenly the door opened and she jolted away. "Guys breakfasts ready!" Mikey said charging in then walking out again. He just ruined that perfect moment. I looked at Parisa, who smiled then laughed. "Great timing Mikey!" She said as she walked out of the room.

Into You-Charisa (Only The Young) *discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now