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^^ Walter ^^

"-and I MUST persist in the affirmation that bringing large swarms of highly-lethal, poisonous creatures into our Headquarters, 'Tamed' or no, is completely and utterly unacceptable!!!" The elderly man dressed in very fancy clothing seated across from me and berating me while I calmly sipped my tea was apparently the Vice-Head of the Bounty Collection Office, places in charge of the Headquarters here in the Capital while a Royal Advisor, the Head of the Office, traveled to other branches for regular check-ups and progress reports.

"Lady Adlerian's Request was marked 'Urgent', thus I answered it promptly, and with perfect acuity, even going so far as to Tame the beasts for her use; I believe I did well to avoid the front Gates, in an attempt to not frighten the Sheep outside. All in all, I find your manner absurdly rude, and you will check your address of me, Sir, lest you risk offending me beyond the pale!" I rebuked him sharply, glaring briefly over my tea at him, before returning to my calm manner and looking out the wide bay windows at the training yard.

The pheromones in the air were light, only intended to keep him calm, but over the past few minutes, they'd proven ineffective, due to his agitated state; shocking him to calmness was my answer as to how to get under his skin, and it was mostly successful, it seemed, as he leaned back in his seat, looking scandalized, and the tall, well-dressed man who had been standing next to him silently the whole time shifted slightly at the mention of Lady Adlerian.

"This Request for the Ivory Death Queen, it came from my Lady, the Countess Renata Adlerian?" He asked slowly.

"As far I was informed, that is correct. Perhaps it was not a specific request, or perhaps it was, but it was told to me to be Urgent, and thus I handled it immediately, despite being already on a Contract for the Furred Wyverns that've been invading the region recently." I nodded serenely, setting my empty tea-cup down on the table without a sound; my movements and posture were as all full of poise as I could muster.

He hummed, pulling out a pocket-book and flipping through it for a moment, before nodding at one entry. "I see, this request was made three weeks ago, but no one had taken the contract, so it must've been upgraded to Urgent to attract people's attention to it... alright. I'll have the Prey taken to the Estate right away. On behalf of the Adlerian House, Thank you, Miss Warhol. Your swift response, both above and beyond the apparently short-sighted limitations of the request will be justly and promptly rewarded." He bowed crisply, then exited the room with a brisk gait, leaving me alone with the flustered Bounty Official.

"Good that that's been taken care of, I suppose. Good day to you, have my reward placed into my Bank Account before noon." I stood up and straightened my blouse primly, exiting the room with my nose in the air to show my irritation at his rudeness. I also wanted people to think I was a deposed noblewoman or rich merchant, and the only way to do that was for them to see me as one. For now, though, I had more than enough to buy a Shop.

"So, I have the ability to alter my internal physiology, as well as the physiology of other creatures, correct?"

That has been proven to be accurate.

"I'd like you to alter my physiology then, just a small amount... use Ivan as a template, and give me the same organ behind the nose which gives him Thermal Vision." I nodded seriously, sitting in the upper floor of my new shop just inside the city wall, currently empty and furniture-less, like all newly purchased houses. When I'd explained what I'd be using it for, this was the only building they'd let me buy, but I didn't really mind being within 30ft of the North Gate and about 500ft from the River Docks, as everyone on their way out of the city had to pass by my shop to leave.

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