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^^ Daria ^^

A pinching sensation slowly woke me up from what felt like the deepest sleep I'd ever been in in my entire life.

As the pinching got more insistent, and painful, I scratched my arm absently, then looked down with an inhuman hiss of pain as my nails, -no, Claws,- cut the sensitive skin inside the elbow, and shredded the small beetle that had apparently been trying to eat me.

Creature: Zombie Beetle.
Zombie Beetle: This creature survives on a diet of carcasses, fungus, and other flora that grow around Dead Creatures as they Decompose. It mistook you for a Corpse, due to your Undead Nature.

"Alright... good to know. I'm not Decomposing, though, right? I'm not a Zombie?" I frowned, watching my skin stitch itself back together and then soak in the blood of the beetle until nothing but a dried husk was left.

No. You are a Young Vampire; you will not Decompose, so long as you feed enough to keep your Heart Beating. You Have Attained from the Beetle Approximately 1% of your Monthly Needs.

"Okay... thanks. Can I control how much I take? And do certain types of blood satisfy me more than others?" I clarified, standing and dusting myself off, looking around the forest to get my bearings.

Yes. To both Questions.

"Elaborate on both answers, please; What Types of Blood Satisfy more, and How do I control how much I Take?" I started walking northward, towards where I could hear sounds of talking, in the distance.

Monster Blood is rich in the Power and Sustenance you require; Dragons would be Preferable, and Colossal Gold Dragons are the Most Ideal. As for Controlling how much Blood you take, it is as simple as willing yourself to stop. As a Young Vampire, you do not yet have the Ancient or Feral Vampire's 'Bloodlust' Trait, and as such are in total control of your actions and mind.

"Very informative, thank you, but what about a more Realistic Goal for me, as I am now? I can't really Hunt a Colossal Gold Dragon right now." I asked dryly, halting at the edge of a clearing, out of sight of the humans within the clearing; I realized that it was actually nighttime, due to the bright bonfire they had to light up the night for themselves, even though to me it had seemed like a rather bright morning until now.

Humans will do, in a pinch.

'That is not helpful, please don't tell me I'm in control of my mind and then urge me towards Slaughtering Humans!!!' I protested, silently climbing into the trees and laying down like a Panther in Wait, examining them in hopes of learning where I was.

I apologize; perhaps the Humor was lost due to my not having a real voice or face to convey my Tone.

'I appreciate your attempt at Levity.' I smiled, then tilted my head as I realized I could hear gasps and suggestive moans from one of the tents on the far side of the clearing, as well as conversations between everyone else, picking out instinctively and cataloguing direction, intensity, tone, and content of every sound that was made in the clearing, all at once. 'Whoa...'

Your Enhanced Senses are rather Potent, even if your Physical Attributes are only 50% above the average human; don't underestimate your senses, nor overestimate your Strength.

'Yes, I'll take that into account... is there a way for me to move all that to the back of my mind, so I only notice it if it seems dangerous or I'm focusing on it directly? Because otherwise I don't really need to tell you how distracting that is.' I smoothed my hair back, frowning at some of the Content I was hearing.

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