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^^ Furry Wyvern ^^

My plan required a few things I didn't yet have: a Shop, a Reputation, Materials for Poisons, and a contact to tell me who took Contracts, and who gave out said contracts, considering they were supposed to be anonymous.

Luckily, I had one horny little guy who was very, very pleased to give me a hand with anything I needed, and only needed to be rewarded with a pat on the head and a kiss on the cheek every now and again.

"-L-l-l-Lady Adlerian is one of our most e-e-esteemed customers!!! O-Of course I know her!!! She sends her servant to give us funds and contracts almost every day!!!" Hector, the sweet little man from the front desk, stuttered his way through an affirmation to my questions as he looked up at me and failed to not stare at my chest as I leaned my elbows onto the small dining table we were seated at.

"Ooh, that's quite impressive! Could you tell me more about this Servant, dear?" I smiled and ran a claw down his cheek, raising my wine glass and sipping the vaguely expensive wine while he shivered suspiciously in his seat, blushing like a tomato, and spewed out countless details with only small amounts of prodding, usually from my claws or one of my feet rubbing his leg under the table. He was more than happy to pay for the meal at the expensive establishment where we'd had our little 'Date', and nearly bouncing with joy as I promised him a second date sometime soon. After I parted ways with him at the Inn, I slipped out and over the Wall of the City, headed into the woods with a list of Contracts to fill.

According to Hector, the contracts that were in our area weren't usually for Bandits, (a rather common occurrence father away from the capital that was very rare so close to the garrison,) but rather for the Monsters that made the woods their homes, and interrupted trade by attacking merchants. Much like Deer, their populations had to be carefully controlled, or they'd run wild. This was the reason that regular citizens were allowed to hunt down Bounty Contracts; without them, there wouldn't be enough Knights and soldiers on the whole continent to handle the load, and even if there was, there'd be no one to keep the peace. All in all, it was a compromise that was profitable for everyone, as the peace was kept, roads were maintained and safe, and through this and the introduction of monster goods to justify the prizes for their capture or deaths, the economy thusly thrived.

As of now, I was hunting a monster that had been invading the area lately in great numbers, the Furry Wyvern; it sounded cute, but the problem was the numbers it gathered in, swarming onto a target like flying piranhas and leaving nothing but bones.

It was relatively easy to gather a couple handfuls of Wolfsbane and mix them with some Morning Glory Seeds and Nightshade berries I found along the way, using a mortar from my bag to create a very basic Poison. Next, I grabbed a fat badger that was waddling towards its burrow, and then simply fed it the poisonous plants with a whispered apology to the angry little creature. The poison made its way through its system quickly, killing it and leaving it a prime delivery system for the piranha-dragons; every bite would be laced with the poison, and thus every one of them would be taken care of without my having to swipe at them all one by one and risk being eaten alive by a flock of piranha-dragons. Win-Win, for me at least.

The last step was finding the damned things, and as they were not nocturnal, I figured they'd be nested in the trees, cuddled up close to one another for heat in the freezing-cold fall twilight, so I used my night-vision to look for any furry colonies in the trees, gathering and creating more bait creatures as I went; I'd been told they nested in groups of 200 or more, and each one was the size of a house-cat, so I needed a lot of meat to dose up all of them.

The directions I'd been given were to the south-west of the Capital, off the main road, where they had been spotted, and they kept a relatively small Territory, so it was only a manner of time before I looked up and noticed a spherical nest wrapped around the middle of a tree trunk, about eight feet in diameter. Through the multiple entrances in the honeycomb-like structure, I could see the pile of creatures snoozing quietly, undisturbed by my stealthy approach.

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