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^^ Ivan ^^

"I just remembered... You said something about an Ivory Death Dragon? Was my experiment successful?" I blinked, leaning back from the railing of my balcony for a moment.

Mostly, yes. I couldn't create a Lung Dragon, but I did create an Eastern Dragon in terms of Intelligence; Ivan is now fully capable of understanding and replicating human speech, as well as mathematics and basic physics. He can also fly for a sustained period of time, though the speed is still a little slow, due to his weight. He also still requires only 50 pounds of food per day, oddly enough; it would seem that Dragons have the ability to self-metabolize, which explains their longevity, as well as many other things about them.

"Wait, I'm only a middle-tier in understanding of biology... how does self-metabolizing equal immortality?" I asked, confused.

Aging happens when a body stops producing new cells, but continues to lose them, eventually destabilizing the organs and brain, and thus degrading into eventual catastrophic failure. If your body recycles every cell in your body, losing nothing, not only do your dietary needs reduce slightly, but all of your cells will believe themselves to be brand new, and thus continue reproduction. Much like Cancer, in a human, except the cells don't go rampant, they simply believe the dragon is in a constant state of Peak Growth. It also explains the Dragons' Infamous lack of Long-Term Memory. If the memory center of your brain is constantly being recycled, no information will remain long-term. Luckily for Ivan, having myself to keep his vocabulary and memories intact, he will never fall prey to this infantile version of Dementia.

"That's the basis for the Immortals, isn't it? Programmable matter doesn't have an expiration date, after all, because it can simply renew itself, though it will cost a good deal of fuel to keep it all working." I hummed.

Exactly correct. A merger between the two would be incredibly interesting.

"You want me to go fuck a Dragon?" I snorted, amused by the suggestion.

That's ridiculous. I simply want you to capture one. Don't you want to do this research?

"... Fine, but only because I'm curious about it, not because you asked!" I huffed and stepped inside to get my armor. "Walter, get the others who are almost Ancients; I'm going to hunt some Dragons, and you're all coming with me... and the other Hunters should follow behind us, we may need help bringing back the Living Dragon for its Bounty, given its size." I nudged him awake, setting his Star-Metal sword next to him.

He hopped up instantly, dressing in a flash and donning his armor, before helping me into mine. "Immediately, Mistress!" He smiled, kissing my cheek boldly and rushing off.

The brainwashing is wearing off slowly... but it seems to have had a large amount of lasting effect on his brain. The portion of his brain that effects Empathy is much more Active now.

"That's good, right? Rehabilitation is the goal, after all." I hummed, grabbing my Axe and settling it over my shoulder, heading down the stairs and waving my fingers teasingly at the concubines who now occupied the entire tower; this was now where all the non-combatants lived, and where I planned to send people for a reward. After all, if my Hunters didn't get to keep their Bounties, they needed a reason to go on the Hunts; the privilege of Breeding with the literally perfect people in the Harem would do for now. It had also apparently appeased the Ancients Witnesses, as they held no ill will for my insults after I gave them free reign of the Harem.

True... but his Obedience will no longer be guaranteed.

"Good, I don't want Slaves, I want Loyal Allies, after all. Either way, you can keep an eye on him and let me know if he gets out of line." I shrugged and opened the door at the bottom of the stairs, entering the Grand Hall and smiling at the other members of my Party as they came into view, kitted out for war with Star-Metal armor and weaponry. "Who feels like hunting down some Dragons?!?" I asked cheerfully.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2020 ⏰

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