01 | a wash of happiness

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-Chapter One-

word count-408

The bustling hoards of people flooded the airport, sounds of people chatting away and heels clicking on the ground washed out turning into nothing but white noise. A girl with shiny [colour] hair strutted through the crowd. Making her way towards her destination. Her eyes gleamed with excitement, excited to see her bother once again. Her name was "[name] Jo", her brother, "Jay Jo" has always been her idol, she looked up to him and was excited to see him after so many years away from him.

Finally reaching her destination, she sat down on one of the blue waiting chairs waiting for her family to come pick her up. Minutes past and she felt a tap on her shoulder, turning around she came face to face with none other than her brother Jay.

[name]'s face lit up with joy before enveloping Jay in a hug, the momentum of [name] tackling Jay in a hug brought both siblings down falling onto the floor. Jay gasped in shock, not expecting [name] to suddenly jump on him before returning [name]'s hug.

"Everyone is at the food court, they told me to go and find you. We have to meet up with them there."

Jay said before turning away to lead the way to the food court. [name] followed Jay to the food court, dragging her sky-blue suitcase along with her. Finally arriving at the food court, both Jay and [name] looked around. Trying to spot their family before [name] exclaimed

"Jay! I see them, they're over there. Mom's waving at us."

[name] ran to her family, Jay following behind, a smile small present on his face. Oh, how much Jay missed [name] even though he didn't show it, he really missed having her around even if she bothered him while he was studying.

Upon reuniting with her family again, [name] forgot about the warmth that her family brought her. Jay's quiet but subtle care for her, her mother's nagging, her dad's warm presence, and her little brother, Kay's serious but childish self. [name] smiled to herself as they drove home.

Happy to once again be with her family, [name] closed her eyes while resting her head on Jay's shoulder before falling into a deep slumber. Nothing but the sound of the engine in the back ground, fading away to nothing as sleep washed over her.

how happy she was to be back.

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