Charter 1: New kid

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Elle's P.O.V

I starred at my mother's grave, while taking the dead flowers I had brought here a month ago and replacing them with new fresh flowers. When I finished at my mother's grave I walked back to black my range rover and drove away. While I was driving I silently hummed to the tune of Beyonce singing Drunk In Love and I thought about myself and who I was. My name, Elle Linh Harris. I am 17, and I know that most seventeen year old's don't have their own apartments and cars but my situation is weird. One year and a half ago my mother and father divorced and three months later my mother was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer. That's really when my life got really out of control. My mother Kim-Ha which in Vietnamese means Golden River, always hated doctors.

So when my mom had a problem she made oils and home remides to preclude herself from going to the doctor. So the day that she would not stop crying about the menacing pain in her ribs and not being able to breath I basically strapped her down in her Toyota Camry and drove her to the E.R. When we got there they ran some test and told us the horrible news. I took the news very bad because I was always very close to my mother. After she became bed ridden I began to skip class to be with and the day she died.... I had a mental breakdown and I passed out.

When I woke up the doctor told me that I was very stressed and that I needed to take it easy but I didn't. I began to skip classes and I basically stopped eating lost almost 50 pounds, not to mention I turned to tabaco to ease my troubles. Almost a month later I was taken to the hospital because I was acting quite sick. I was diagnosed with post traumatic stress disorder (P.T.S.D)

Snapping out of my thoughts about my life, I pulled into the parking lot of my complex. I got out of the car and made my way upstairs to get ready for my class. I pulled on a pair of high wasted jeans and a hooded sweatshirt. Then I strolled to my closet to get my black - bailey button uggs. I grabbed my Michael Kors, black purse and put everything that I needed for my classes in. I grabbed a snack and my keys and proceeded to my place of HELL. SCHOOL.

When I pulled up I saw my best friends Hillary and my other best friend Calum. I grabbed my things and walked over to them hugging both if them. I noticed that Hillary had added purple highlights to her hair, and Calum had a frown on his face.

"What's wrong chuchee." I asked him because I knew he always smiled when I called him that.

" Nothing really linh- lee it's just that Luke and I haven't really talked in a while" He explained and looked down a his watch I brought him our freshmen year. "About 17 hours, 15 minutes and 8 seconds"

As we aproched the doors to our next class I replied " Obsessive much and chuchee, Luke has a life too, he probably just went to Ashton's house with Liam and Niall and forgot to call you don't sweat it okay babes." Just as we started taking pur books out the teacher begins to talk but is interrupted by someone coming in the door. A boy wearing all black walks to the front of the class. He handed our English teacher the slip he was most likely given from the office. He was skinny, but he had very toned muscles that you could see through his white shirt that was seen as gray because of the ink that I'm assuming were tattoed they were everywhere. He had a very sharp jaw line that led to his plump but skinny pink, rasperry colored lips. He had very light brown eyes. Usually I wouldn't really break a sweat for the other guys but he was gorgeous and felt the sudden need for some ice and to re-apply my deodorant.

The teacher, Mrs. Lavalle, appointed him the seat behind me. As he walked over both me and Hillary looked at each other and she raised her left eyebrow. I just let out a small chuckle because she was such a flirt It was not funny. When he sat behind me I scooted up my chair a small bit.

When he sat Down the teacher began to talk again and the mysterious boy whispered in my ear "What are we supposed to be doing" His cold breath made me shiver. I turned around to him and quietly whispered our task so I wouldn't get caught.

7th Period Gym

After we came from lunch we had P.E so I had to get my gym clothes from my locker. When I finished getting dressed I bumped into some one really hard when I came out of the locker room, we collided so hard that I ended up flying to the floor. When I looked to see who it was, and it was the extremely hot new kid. He gave me a death glare and walked away.

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