Chapter 2: Akward.

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After 8th period I had swimming practice and then I was going to see my family. As I mad my way from the locker room in my baithing suit and shorts. I saw my friend Lani. She is also on our schools swimming team .We walked to swimming we talked about the team and she talked about the latest gossip. I just nodded cause I'm not really a gossip. People really don't interest me.

"Have you heard about the new boy" Lani asked.

"No, not really, but, he gave the death glare of the century while I was on my way to change. But, why" I replied

"He almost got suspended today he got into a fight with Andrew and almost broke his jaw" she said dragging out the word jaw longer than she needed to.

"Wow, what were they fighting  about" I asked While lying my towel on the bleachers and putting my feet in the water. I guess coach is late.

" Well get this, Andrew and new kid knew each other before new kid came to this school. When they saw each other Andrew said something about new kid's sister being a whore at 16. And new kid punched him so hard they had to put a brace on his nose because he couldn't have his head up for long." She said then took a long breathe.

"Wow that's crazy. Is Andrew okay. He kind of deserves it though." I said. Lani agreed. Just then the coach walked in, and we began to practice.

After practice.

I sped down the high way that led to my fathers secluded, gated, rich people's neighborhood. I know now your wondering what my father does for a living. He is the executive accountant for Banana Republic. He also has a degree in Literature and is a licensed professor. Yea its a lot.

I pulled into the drive way of my house and turned off the engine to my car. I walked up to my fathers house and opened the door that I knew would be open because my sister came back from school an hour ago and she always forgets to lock the door despite, our buttler Gregory reminding her. When I walked in the smell of food filled my nostrils and satisfied my senses. I walked in the kitchen to find my father typing away on his phone, my fathers girlfriend Danielle at the stove making dinner, and lastly my sister Jade doing her homework at the table.

"Hey" I said a short hello before giving each of them a hug. And my sister a kiss on the cheek.

"What's for dinner." I asked Danielle

She grabbed the garlic bread to put in the oven and replied "Chicken Parmesan and garlic bread with chicken salad." I nodded and walked to my sister. I sat down in the chair directly next to hers.

"Have you started planning your sweet 16, your birthday is in two and a half months" I asked.

"Have I started? I'm almost completely done" she scoffed

"So what's the theme so I can know what to buy" I said

"The theme is black and blue, but I'm going to be wearing white because I am the queen and you are all servile to me." She replied.

"I am not servile to you I run this train wreck circus." We both laughed and pulled out our phones. She was probably showing me something about her party.

She pulled up a picture and showed to me. It was a picture of a dress.

"This is the dress I'm gonna wear for me entrance. ".The dress was short and had a sweetheart neckline. The top was white and the bottom was a light shade of tan. She smiled and scrolled to the right. There was another dress. This dress was more party girl style than the first one. It was short. With a red top and a tan bottom. The middle was cut into a triangle that showed her sides and her belly button. Then she scrolled two time to another dress. This last dress was different it reminded me if my mother. It was red, with a sweetheart neckline but this dress had side straps. It was about two inches above the knee. She smiled even more.

"Doesn't it remind you of mommy? "

She said with the bright smile she had on her face getting duller, and duller.

"Yes, it does, it does very much " I said with a hoarse voice.

Just then we looked up and saw Danielle and my father starring at us with the saddest look ever on their faces.

"Dinners ready" Danielle said with tears in her eyes.

"Okay " me and Jade said in unison.

After a quiet and awkward dinner, I headed home. When I got home, I instantly jumped in the shower and went to bed.


The next day I woke up around 7:47 and I instantly got up so I wouldn't be late. I grabbed a blue long side slit shirt and a pair or khaki cargo's. I guess I kinda wanted to look like a boy today. I like to switch up. I put my hair in a French braid going around my head. I grabbed my black Betsy Johnson messenger bag. I slipped on my sport blue three's and grabbed my wallet and keys of the table.

When I was in my car I started up the heat and put my black jacket on. I drove to the dunkin donuts drive thru, and got some coffee and for me and the lovely Hillary. I also got 4 donuts and a brownie. 

Once I was done at the drive through I drove to school. When I arrived calum and Luke were hugging and calum giggling. Hillary and my other best friend Jasmine were sitting next to them engaged in a debate about how H&M is better than Forever 21. I sat down by Jasmine. The girls stopped their argument and looked up. They both smiled.

"Hay babes, who started the argument?"  I asked. When I looked up I saw the new boy walking really fast, he walked over to Liam, who was talking about how his parents are buying a new house. They hugged and Liam introduced him to all of us when he got me I was probably red as an apple.

"This is Elle but we call her Linnie" he said. The new boy looked at me then looked warily into space like he was contemplating something.


After the day being so awkward, I just wanted to go home and get ready for jasmines party. When I finally said goodbye to Hill and Has they were surrounded by like three hundred teens talking about how the party was gonna go.

I was walking and I was bumped really hard. So hard I flew back on my ass. I looked up to see the new boy smiling a genuine and very prominent smile.

"What's funny?" I said with an attitude.

"We need to stop meeting like this.." He said still smiling.

"Agreed" I said while flashing a smile.

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