Chapter 3

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Namjoon: Uhh boys?

~Everyone turned to Namjoon which he was pointing to something on the ground that was just thrown to them, making clicks~

Jin: A bomb?? Wait. It's not- oh! IT'S A SMOKE BOMB! COVER YOUR FACES! GO!

~But it was too late, the dizzy smoke already realsed itself rapidly, going everywhere~


Taehyung: I guess it's chloroform.  Vertigo.?  Damn it, it's strong

~The mom covered her daughter's mouth and nose so quickly but the boys were getting so dizzy that they could barely stand with their light heads~

~Then suddenly something more like a figure fell down from the trees~

~It was a person with a mask on~


~Jhope shouted and ran all his best to hit the person but the person grabbed his fist and kicked his stomach so hard making him fall down~

~Then the person went behind the mother and daughter~

???: I'm going to save you two, Run inside a car I left on the red tracks, help your mother

~The girl fearfully nodded and the two tried to get up and go~

~Taehyung shot his gun multiple times but the blurry figure infront of his eyes moved side to side so quickly that he missed all but stopped using it incase he hits the boys~

~The figure approached him and punched him everywhere~

~Then Namjoon, Yoongi, and Jin went in at once but the person's strengh and their dizziness was not matched at all~

~The person literally karate kicked all three of them, finishing them at once~

~But by a minute of the distracted figure fighting the boys Jungkook and Jimin already calmed down a bit from the smoke as Jimin goes in first and jumps, kicking the person but it gets up so quickly going back after Jimin~

~The black figure held Jimin's one arm and punched him so hard but he stayed down using his legs to trip the person~

~Jimin got up ,but the person was faster and kicked Jimin with the hardest kick throwing him off~

Jimin: Arghh.!

~The person looks around~

~But as he/she turns back. Jungkook flipped, kicking him/her on the face causing the person to fall hard on the back~

Jungkook: Looking for me?!

~The person gets up to hit him but Jungkook's speed and strengh is just as good!~

~He fights the person punching him/her falling him/her backwards~

"Damn you! You're stronger than you looked before"

~Jungkook kicks the person again as he/she grabs his leg and pulls it, but not done, it kicks Jungkook on his torso as he grunts loudly~

~Jungkook again tries to get up ,but the dizziness hits again making him tired~

~But he uses all his strengh and finally pins the person down on the ground~

~Breathing heavily, he tries to focus through the darkness and blurriness he's in~

Jungkook: Tch *Scoff*, who are you bitch?

~The wardrobe on the person's head failed to stay on as a long hair came out and Jungkook looks in the person's eyes~

Jungkook: Huh?!?!.

~Jungkook says very DEADLY SHOCKED AND SURPRISED at what he saw!~

~By the person's eyes, you could tell (She) was smiling~

:Hello boys~~

~She finished Jungkook with a very hard kick throwing him far onto the ground~

~She got up and looked around and them~

:Bye B~ T~ S~

~Then she fled with a flash~

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