Chapter 31

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~Taeyang and Ji-Yong walk over the small bridge which beneath it is a lake with swans in it~

Taeyang: I see the pill I gave you is working hm?

GD: surprisingly it's working better than I thought

Taeyang: Thanks to Hyo-rin's sister, she's a Pharmaceutical scientist and she gave me the most effective calming pill


GD: So. What did you wanna talk about?

Taeyang: You know, when I first heard about this whole thing you did, It felt kinda funny and took it as a joke. Somehow when things turned a little bad, I understood that now I have to worry about what you did.

~GD rolled his eyes and stopped walking~

GD: Listen, Don't start like Seungri-

Taeyang: Bro just listen to me

~GD let out a deep breath while resting his arms on the fence of the bridge, looking at the swans~

Taeyang: When we lost boss, It was a breakdown for you we all know it. But you took out all of your anger on Y/n. You created something dangerous out of your anger, and you tell me that it was not a mistake?

~GD remained silent but anger rushing through his veins~

GD: So what?? That's who we are! Even if boss didn't die, we're still criminals! We killed whoever we wanted we did whatever crime we wanted

Taeyang: I know, that's true. But trust me living just for a day with Hyo-rin made me realize that it was wrong and we're not suppose to live like this. We might be villains, but we all have a story behind us, All of us have a reason to be like this.

GD: Tch, but who understands? The "good guys" "heroes" ?

Taeyang: We don't want them to understand, But we can't also drag them into our darkness. Not even you knew what kind of girl Y/n really was before she was dragged to the darkness, but when she accepted to change, you shouldn't have tortured her. She already lost hope and was gonna do anything to leave her past and move on regardless but.. your anger made you do it and now look what she is

GD: Hmph..

~GD hated to even think about this, but he knew Taeyang was right. All this time he tried to fool himself that what he did was worth it but now seeing Y/n like this only hurts him more~

Taeyang: You shouldn't have poured oil in the fire that was already inside her..

~Taeyang rested his back with the fence and closed his eyes~

Taeyang: But no matter what happens, I'll still be with you bro, that's why I came back

GD: What about Hyo-rin? She seems to be taking care with Y/n and tries to make her happy

Taeyang: I have told her the story in a different way, I told her not to question Y/n anything and I'm glad she's also doing much to make Y/n understand and take care of her

GD: Mhm

Taeyang: But remember bro, No matter what, Y/n looks up to you. In only a day, I understood her aim that she only trust you and follows you and you only

~GD already knew this, and he thought that's why he tries hard to think about the aftermath~

~They both close their eyes and take a moment of the fresh air~

GD: Thanks bro. For coming back..

Taeyang: Ofcourse man



Hyo-rin: IM GONNA VOMIT!!!!!

Y/n: Oh god my head is spinning!!!

Boys: WOOOOOOO!!!!!!

~Second round was over and you all get out as you get really dizzy and lose balance when your feet touches the ground~

~Your feet walks unsteadily and your head is spinning~

Y/n: Holy shit It's literally like an illusion around me! loll

~You said smiling as you finally stand up straight and take a breath in~

Y/n: This was actually fun! Right bo-?

~You turn around to look at the boys and Hyo-rin but.~

"Wait huh"

Y/n: B-boys?

~You look around yourself but you see no one..~

Y/n: H-hyo-rin??

~No one..!~

Y/n: J-ji-Yong...?

~You notice that you don't have your mask and scarf on which Taeyang suggested to take off earlier but...

"What do I do now?... ?"

~You suddenly see alot of people around you laughing and having fun~

*Starting to breathe heavily*

Y/n: N-no-... Ji--Ji-Yong

~Your vision started to get a little foggy and you breathe harder~

"You thought you can get rid of me?? HAHA"

~Your eyes widens as the people walking around you starts to turn their eyes on you in an evil way under your sight~

"You thought you can avoid all these people Y/n??"

Y/n: ...Ji-Yong!!?


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