Chapter 4

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~The mother and daughter reached to the car, and the girl found water bottles inside the car, giving it to her mother to drink~

Woman: Ohh.. my baby... I'm so sorry..

Daughter: Mom. Please don't cry~

Woman: That guy was right... I'm really sorry honey~ I shouldn't have married your father... now you could've had a peaceful life..

~The mother said crying so much and her daughter wiping her tears, quietly sobbing~

~Then a figure fell near them making them very startled~

Woman: O-oh y-you! Are you the person that was back there?..

~Before she answers, she wears the mask off and sweeps her long hair backwards~

Y/n: Listen..

Y/n:   You and your daughter go to the city and I never wanna see you around alright?

Woman: Y-yes.

Y/n: If I see you involve in another gang work, I will kill you,, AND your daughter

~The girl started to get on her knees and tightly hugged her mother~

Woman: Y-yes maam, s-sure o-o-ofcourse.!

Daughter: Please..~ We don't wanna die

~Looking at them,  You approach and get on one knee holding the girl's shoulders and making her face you~

Y/n: Listen, you need to protect your mother whatever it takes got it?

~She nods while looking at you~

Y/n: You're now the only soul she has left, Help and love her until her final breath, never let anything hurt her.  Aight?

~She nods again but this time with a little confidence~

Y/n: Good

~You got up handing the car keys to the mother~

Y/n: And you, never leave her alone, Be what a great mother should be and always spend time with her  Okay?

~The woman started to smile~

Woman: Thank you~....

Y/n: Now get lost

~You wear the mask back and put your hand on the girl's shoulder one last time and leave~

~Several minutes later, You arrive back at the mansion~

~You try to make your way to the office until you hear (The most fucking annoying person alive)  you always say~


Y/n: Get it yourself you dumbass


Y/n: *Rolls eyes* Ugh.

~You continued walking until you reached and knocked on the door~

:Come in

~You went in, and you see GD's back facing you and he's reading a paper~

GD: Yes?

Y/n: After weeks of pleading me, ..It's finally done

GD: Nice, great work Y/n~

~You scoff~

Y/n: Now quit disturbing me while I'm having my own time

~He puts down the paper and turns around, smiles while walking toward you~

GD: What did you do to the wife and daughter?

Y/n: I.. I sent them off to live without appearing ever again

~You said avoiding his eye contact while GD scoffed and before a second, he puched you hard on the face causing you to fall,  but you get up~

GD: Didn't I tell you to kill them?

~You smirked~

Y/n: Don't go too hard, you might get tired

~He sighed and approached me~

GD: Stop fooling yourself anymore Y/n, Get ur fucking mind off your imaginations and start thinking about the reality. Look at the life you're in right now and stop thinking about the pathetic life you had, it's not gonna help you be a better person so stop wasting your time, You need to be more calm than losing control

~Hearing him say that, Your expression goes cold and you look down as he puts his hand on your shoulder~

GD: Now you quit disturbing yourself while you have your own time, all you gotta do is forget about the past and FIGHT

~He finished as he walked back to his desk and I stared at the floor for some seconds~

Y/n: ..I'll get going

~I left the room, closing the door behind myself, letting out a sigh~

Daesung: Y/n?.  You good? You seem kinda mad, did you guys have a conflict?

Y/n: No. and I'm fine

~You go upstiars to your room and shut the door while laying down on your bed, staring at the ceiling~


"GD: Stop fooling yourself anymore Y/n, Get ur fucking mind off your imaginations and start thinking about the reality. Look at the life you're in right now and stop thinking about the pathetic life you had, it's not gonna help you be a better person so stop wasting your time, You need to be more calm than losing control"


"He's right after all.."

~You think to yourself~

"Now I might think this is stupid but.. GD knows better than me..,  well.. flashbacks to what happened 2 years ago after the incident..~

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