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B-Penny get off me!
Betty screamed as the goulue leader was hurting her carving something into her arm.
B-Jughead! Jug!
She yelled crying and screaming from the pain.
P-He's not coming for you Princess he doesn't care!
She digs the knife deeper into her arms. Everything become a daze after that until she woke up next to Jug days later.
B-Jug! What happened?!
J-Penny got you I'm so sorry I wasn't there to protect you baby.
B-It's okay.
I look down at my arm and see something carved into it I turn it around and look at it.
It read "Slutty serpent! P.P" I looked at it and started crying.
B-This all your fault! I'm gonna have this on my arm forever I'm gonna have to look at this everyday!
J-What the hell I saved you!
B-No you didn't I wouldn't have been in danger in the first place if it weren't for you!
J-It will fade Betty!
I rolled my eyes.
B-Jughead this isn't Harry Potter you can't just magic it away okay!
I got up and tried to walk out the trailer door but just fell down he picked me up again.
B-Ow! Get off me just drive me home I don't want to talk or even see you right now!
J-Fine I'm sorry okay. I love you Betty and I didn't mean for any of this to happen and I'm just so sorry.
He said tears welling up in his eyes I just never thought that he would let me get into trouble but he did and that made me upset more than angry.
B-I'm sorry it's just I don't want this to be here.
I said pointing to the scar.
J-We can get scare removal surgery they must do it somewhere.
B-It's gonna be expensive.
J-So I'll take it out of my wedding fund.
I chuckled.
B-You have a wedding fund?
J-Yes just for you.
He said kissing me head I hugged him.
B-I'm sorry.
J-No I'm sorry I need to put you first not the serpents okay I love you.
B-I love you too.
I said and kissed him.


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