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Jughead's PoV
   I was swaying around with our little baby Juliet, who was 9 months old, in my arms while Betty, my wife, was downstairs making cookies or 'ookies' as Jules called them. She had her bottle in her mouth and was holding onto her feet she soon spat the bottle out along with a bit of milk, then she giggled.
She said, Ellie was her tiny elephant toy that I had given her. I took it from he crib and handed it to her.
Ju-Love dada.
She said and open mouthed kissed my cheek.
J-Love you too.
I said and put her back in crib while she held both her feet in one hand and another holding her elephant.
She shouts and I take her pacifier and put it in her mouth and she slowly falls asleep. I go downstairs and wrap my arms around Betty's waist from behind.
J-She's asleep.
She giggles as I pace a kiss on her neck and she's rolling out the cookie dough and  cutting them with a cookie cutter. I steel some chocolate chips and put them in my mouth, she opened her mouth,then turned her head around and I took some and put them in her mouth. She then rubbed our noses together and we kissed but was interrupted by a loud bang we immediately turned our heads to the front door. We saw two goulies running in with pocket knives I hid Betty behind me. One of them ran upstairs.
B-Juliet where is she?
She whispered, she was upstairs in her crib where one of them were.
J-She's in her crib I locked her bedroom though.
The bedroom door automatically locks every time thank god. Betty was crying by this point.
M-Oh Juliet what a beautiful name, it seems you've been playing happy family's you've gone soft Jones.
Malachi said. I turned my head to Betty.
J-Go out the door behind you and phone the police I will make sure Jules is okay.
She nodded and exited out the back door and I stayed where I was.
J-What do you want?
M-Penny wants the baby.
J-Well you're not having her.
M-I think you'll find we are.
He said, as if on que the other goulie comes down with Juliet she was still sleeping.
J-Please don't hurt her.
I said trying to stay calm and walking forwards towards her.
J-Just give her to me.
M-Don't worry Jones we won't hurt her. I've always wanted a daughter of my own. She would be an amazing goulie Queen one day considering your background.
He exclaimed making my blood boil I punch him multiple times across the face with my rings on causing him to fall to the floor. Juliet wakes up with floods of tears.
J-Give me my daughter now!
I shouted he gave her to me and I shushed her as he tried to run out the door but I locked them all.
J-Sorry buddy you're gonna have to wait for the cops.
I said soon enough the police came and took them both away and Betty came with them. Later we were on the couch while Juliet was crawling around on the floor she was only 9 months but was at the age of an 11 month old.
B-I'm scared Jug what if all the goulies come here and take Jules.
She asked while she was cuddling into my side.
J-They won't I won't let them.
I said, Juliet crawled up to the couch and lifted herself to stand up by holding the edge of the couch. Me and Betty cheered as she gave us her gummiest smile, though she soon fell back into her bum and giggled. She sat down on the floor and held her arms out.
Ju-Mama, mama.
Betty picked her up and placed her down on her lap.
B-Mama loves you Juju.
Ju-Juju love mama.
Jules smiles and then jumps on my stomach causing me to groan.
Ju-Love dada!
She shouts and we both cuddle her until we all fall asleep.

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