First date...kinda

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Betty's PoV
I was waiting for Archie in Pops and had been waiting for a good twenty minutes, I texted him and started calling no answer. People started staring and whispering "That poor girl." I felt really upset he's always blowing me off like this and it's embarrassing. I sat there with my chin rested my chin on my hand. I looked out the window wham a guy in a leather jacket started to walk in he looked at me for a minute and winked at me. At first I was confused until he walked in.
J-Sorry babe I was stuck in traffic.
He said loud enough so everyone could hear them sat on the opposite side of the booth.
B-You didn't have to do that. Thank you though.
J-It's okay but listen whoever stood you up is a jerk you deserve better!
He whisper shouted, he was right.
B-Thank you uh...
B-My name is Betty. Archie's such a Dick I just can't believe he did this again!
He nodded and thought for a second I didn't know what about though.
J-Red hair, bulldog, a bit of a doosh?
I said dragging out the "e" with one eyebrow raised. He looked down and then back to me.
J-I hate to be the one to tell you this but he's cheating on you.
I didn't really know what to say in a way I kind of expected it and quite frankly I can do better.
B-I'm okay.
I said quietly.
J-You can do better I mean if you don't mind me saying you're the most beautiful woman I've ever seen.
He chuckled I looked down and blushed. Maybe I will find someone new after all.
B-You wanna order?
J-Yeah sure.
We ordered and the food came in the end it kind of turned into a date even if it wasn't it was much better than any date I had with Archie.
B-This was really fun but I gotta go break up with my so called boyfriend.
J-Yeah okay fair enough. It was amazing meeting you.
He said looking into my eyes I couldn't help myself and brushed my lips against his.As my hand snaked around his neck and played with the ends of his hair as he put his arms around my waist pulling me closer. I opened my mouth to breath but he entered his tongue into my mouth as I did the same to him until...

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