Drunk Betty

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Jughead's PoV
Me and Betty has decided to go to a party, correction Betty decided to and dragged me with her to a party. I was moving through all the hot and sweaty body's as I was struggling to breathe.
I called out immediately she turned around I walked up to her she was stumbling about and clearly drunk.
J-Okay baby lets get you home.
B-No I have a boyfriend thank you very much!
She slurred her words and almost stumbled over.
J-Betty it's Jughead.
B-No it's not my boyfriend wears a hat!
I rolled my eyes as she turned around loosing interest .I was kinda disappointed that she only recognised me because of the beanie. I take it out of my pocket and put it on before she turns around.
B-There he is see this is my Juggie! Oh he's gone.
She said throwing her body at me making me wince.
J-Ow right now lets get you home before your mom and my dad freak out.
She said after hiccuping in her high pitched voice. I dragged her to the car and put her in the passager seat, I got in the drivers seat and she rested her head in my lap.
J-Baby I need to drive.
B-Nooo Juggie!
J-Yes Juggie!
I put my hands under her head and placed her on the window of the car as I started driving. She started singing and I was just plain confused it was a children's nursery rhyme. We finally got home where I dragged her to the house hoping no one was awake. Then the lights turned on.
A-What time do you call this?!
I looked at my watch, 3:07 and they said to be back by 10:00.
I said hoping Betty wouldn't say anything because she was hammered and I didn't want them to notice.
F-Hell yeah it's late! You didn't text or call me or Alice.
J-Yeah sorry about that can I just go to bed?
A-No we need to talk about this lack of responsibility.
I rolled my eyes and sighed.
J-Alice it's 3 in the morning.
I sat down and Betty sat on my lap I tried to get her off because it was kinda inappropriate.
A-Betty get off he's not a chair.
B-Nooo I don't want to get off my Juggieeeee!
F-Is she drunk?
J-No...shes hammered.
I said with a worried expression. Alice raised an eyebrow I just shrugged.
J-Now can I take her to bed?
A-Yes fine but we are having this discussion in the morning.
I nodded and picked her up to take her to bed I plopped her down and slipped I'm next to her then put my arms around her. I was almost asleep but she's so wriggley when she's drunk and she won't sleep.
B-Juggie can we play a game?
J-Yes, I have and idea it's called got to sleep.
B-Pffft that's boring. What do you want for your birthday?
J-For you to go to sleep.
B-Fine then you're boring!
She slowly fell asleep and then so did I. Uh I hate drunk Betty!

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