What is love?

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Jughead's PoV
"You once asked me 'What is love?' At the time I couldn't answer because I didn't know myself but as I got to know you I got to know love and what it is. After everything ended I came to the conclusion that love is not a thing it's a person, an individual. That someone who makes you feel warm inside as they enter the room the person you feel safest with of course you could talk about your mother or your father but that's not true love. One may have many loves in their life but there's always one, one soul that they love more than anything or anyone else and in the end it's just them. So you may feel love for many other people in your life but they aren't love, your love is that one person who is love for you. So all in all if you find your one and only love don't let them go their yours and your theirs because you are the one and only love for them and they the one and only love for you. You are love, Betts.
Much love Jug."
I signed off we had an argument and I just wanted her to know that she is love for me. I brought some chocolate and flowers cliché I know. I just wanted to say sorry it was my fault I knocked on the door and Betty opened it.
B-What do you want Jughead?
She sighed.
J-I'm so sorry I got you this and I wrote this for you.
I said handing her the things.
B-Come in.
She smiled. She went upstairs and came back downstairs and just hugged me.
B-I love you so much thank you that note was perfect.
J-I love you too.
She kissed me passionately and lovingly then we rested our foreheads together.
J-I'm sorry for freaking out about the baby.
B-It's okay.
She said and smiled we just laughed and watched movies all day.

(A bit of fluffiness for ya'll sorry for the cringy ass letter but oh well 💕✨Love ya'll so much✨💕 )

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