Caring for him

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Later, Mrs. Hudson leaves and I begin to put Sherlock to bed. That sounds weird. At least I can get him to go to bed now, without issue.

"There we are." I say as I tuck him under a thick blanket. "Are you comfortable?" He nods his head and yawns. "And don't worry. Tomorrow I'll get you some clothes that fit you." "Okay. Thank you." "You're welcome. And I'm gonna get you back to normal." He looks up at me with a frown. "Am . . . am I not normal?" I bow my head, upset with myself for having worded it that way.

I kneel down by him and lay a hand on his arm. "Of course you are normal. I apologise. That is not what I meant, I meant back to being an adult." I apologise. "Sorry. It's okay. I know I'm not normal. Everyone tells me so." He admits, bowing his head in shame. I shake my head. "No, Sherlock. Don't think that. You are just fine. You're different, but that's okay. It's good, because that makes you special . . . and because you are different and so smart, you are able to solve crimes and catch bad guys, when no one else can." He gives me a small smile. "Thank you." I smile back. "Of course."

"Umm. . . What do I call you? John or Watson?" "Well, you call me Watson but you can call me John, if you'd like." He thinks for a moment. "I like Watson." He decides, with a grin. Wow. He looks JUST LIKE Sherlock! Duh, John. It is Sherlock. I never new what he looked like as a child. There weren't very many photos and if there were, I haven't seen any. He was an adorable child.

"Alright. Now, you get some sleep. If you need anything, you can come get me. Ill be in that room." I point towards my bedroom. He nods his head and closes his eyes. "Goodnight Watson." He slurs, tiredly. "Goodnight Sherlock." I whisper back and gently fondle his hair before standing up and heading to bed.


I blink awake and sigh, tiredly. I sit up and wipe my hands over my face. I sit and furrow my eyebrows in thought, trying to remember the events of yesterday. . . . . Oh yeah. Your best friend was turned into a child. Right, I remember now. I quickly get up and go to check on little Sherlock.

I enter the sitting room and find him right where I left him, sleeping peacefuly. I smile at little Sherlock's sleeping form and go get dressed out of my night clothes.

Later, Mrs. Hudson enters the room to check on both of us. We speak for a bit in hushed tones, to keep from waking Sherlock. Mrs. Hudson decides to go buy some clothes for little Sherlock.


"Here you are,Doctor. I found some perfect attire for our little Sherly." I smile at the new nickname she now has for Holmes. Mrs. Hudson always has felt for Holmes like a Mother, even though he could be a real pain in the butt.

"Thank you so much, Mrs. Hudson. I really appreciate it." She smiles as she hands me the clothes. "Of course." She looks to Sherlock, still sleeping. "Is he doing alright?" She asks, sympatheticaly. "Yes. He seems to be doing fine. I think he'll be very happy with the clothes you bought him." She smiles, brightly. "Good. If there's anything else you two need, do not hesitate to ask." She states, firmly. I nod my head. "Of course. Thank you, Mrs. Hudson." She smiles and quietly leaves the room.

I walk over to Sherlock and kneel down. "Sherlock." I say, softly, not to startle him and gently shake his shoulder. He stirs a bit before cracking his eyes open. "Good morning." I greet him with a warm smile. He grunts more awake and looks around the room, trying remember where he is. "Good morning." He replies and sits up.

"That was nice of Mrs. Hudson to get me clothes." I pause to stare at him a moment. "How do you know that? Have you been awake a while?" He shakes his head. "You look tired as if you just woke up and your shirt and suspenders are a bit off and untucked, seeing you probably didn't go anywhere yet." He finishes, tiredly. Wow! Even as a little boy he's very observant.

I smile at him, impressed. "You are very intelligent for your age." I compliment. "Thank you." He replies, with modesty.

"Here. You can look through them, and pick out what you'd like to wear." He eyes the clothes and graciously accepts them, taking them into his tiny hands. "Thank you Watson." "You are very welcome. Don't forget to thank Mrs. Hudson as well." I remind him. I lead him to the leu and give him time to dress.

When he comes out of the leu, he's dressed in dark brown trousers with black suspenders, an off white button up shirt along with brown shoes. "Is this okay?" I smile as I look at him. "You look great." He beams and walks over to the settee to sit down.

"Well, It looks like I made a good decision on the clothing." Mrs. Hudson comes in, smiling bright at Sherlock, with her hands on her hips. "Don't you look great." She states and walks over to where little Sherlock sits. "Thank you for the clothing, Mrs. Hudson." "You are more than welcome." She smiles down at him, but then frowns. "How about I get you some breakfast, and maybe more. You're all bone." She exclaims. She's right. I've been so focused on the fact that this boy is Sherlock and how to turn him back, I didn't even notice just how emaciated he was. She, be then turns to me. "I'll get some breakfast and tea for you as well, Doctor." And with that, she was off.

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