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Izuku took a hasty bite of his toast, staring at the empty seat opposite him.

He'd been afraid of talking to Katsuki since the first time, which had ended with him crying nonstop for hours.

Just the thought of his naivety made him subconsciously begin to chew harder at the slightly charred toast.

He swallowed in an almost annoyed manner, managing to exhale a shaky breath to calm himself down.

"H-Hey, Kacchan. Been a while, I know..."

'Ugh, what do I even talk about? Work? Shoto? Ochako?'

"Um...Yeah...Things have been,"
He took a deep breath,
"Pretty rough."

'What the heck--why not something more lighthearted'

"Do you...Remember when we used to make out in the janitor's closet? Or in the locker room...Behind the stairs...Anywhere really."

Izuku chuckled to himself at the thought. Katsuki had little to no impulse control, constantly pulling him aside for his definition of a 'quick peck'.

Izuku had only asked him to stop the first time they were caught...By Tenya, of all people.

Then the second time was just embarrassing.

And from the third it was almost like clockwork.

Izuku would get berated by Tenya at least three times a week on "heroic etiquette" whilst Katsuki would just bicker about him only doing so because he was "salty about Half n' Half changing departments".

To this day, that news still shook Izuku a little out of his comfort zone.

With that sudden drop in activeness, Shoto's quirk must be as threatening as dry ice and an oven.

Wait--what was he thinking about again?

The dishes clattered against his dining table when he slammed his head into it out of pure exasperation.

He was rambling! When he was supposed to be talking to Katsuki!

"I bet you think I look pretty dumb right about now."
He peeped through clenched fists.

"That or you're angry I think you're that predictable."
The greenette smiled.

He sat up, slouching slightly as he would if Katsuki were there with him--because he'd always find it somewhat comical to get yelled at before leaving for work about his posture.

"Anyways, you'll never guess what I told Ochako the other day--and you said I'd never grow a pair!"


Shoto exhaled, expecting to feel his own breath against Tenya's neck, but was instead greeted by open air.

He outstretched slim-built arms in hopes of reaching his lover, but to no avail.

Besides him, the sofa was empty.

He mumbled groggily, sitting up at a slow enough pace so as to avoid becoming dizzy.

Tenya walked in from the hallway of the bedrooms and bathroom just in time to hear Shoto call for him again.

He had a towel wrapped around his neck, hair visibly dripping from a post-workout shower.

"What time is it?"
Shoto groaned, almost falling onto Tenya when the muscular man sank into the expanse of the sofa beside him.

"About half eight. I didn't wake you up because you looked peaceful. I called your secretary and asked her to cancel your morning appointments."

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