
493 36 16

[A/N]: Transitional chapter

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"Talk to me."

Tenya had pressed the answer button on his intercom, only to be bombarded with an endless array of questions and scoldings.

"What on earth are you doing?
You never said anything about jumping head-first into danger!"

The shaky, intense voice of none other than Shoto emanated through the receiver.
Tenya bit his lip, a heavy weight of guilt weighing on his chest.

He was powering through the city streets, sprinting tens of metres with each passing second.

Amidst Kagayaki's ceaseless resistance and thrashes, Tenya had come close to tripping a few times--even losing his helmet in the struggle eventually. The villain was still quite weak in terms of physical capabilty, no match for Tenya's determination and far-exceeding strength.

"I could be asking you the same thing. This com is for agency use only."

Tenya tried his hardest to resist the urge to chatter his lips from the bitter cold of the evening, icy needles pricking at his rosy forehead and cheeks.

Shoto sighed, audibly distressed.

"Your agency forwarded my call. Aside from being sickeningly persistent, my name has its influences in your area of work. That being said, stop compromising your safety! That man is not stable."

Tenya sighed.

"I appreciate the gesture, but what do you suppose I do? Leave him here, on a highway thousands of innocent civilians?"

"Of course not! Why not just--I don't know..."

Tenya could hear his husband's frantic and laboured breathing as he struggled to compose himself.

Shoto inhaled deeply to do just that, exhaling with a comical huff.

"Just, please don't get hurt. For Kanna. For me. You have to live. You hear me?"

He tried to sound stern and solemn, but in the end, he couldn't help but crack a little under the worry and anxiety.

It broke Tenya's heart to hear Shoto like this, knowing that Shoto hasn't always been an expressive person. Recently, however, his emotional depth was sombre, limited to that of devastation and anguish.

Of course, he was also now able to express delight towards the positive aspects of their life, but there were only so many things he could be happy for as of now.

Tenya didn't want to die.

Not because he feared death, but because he worried what would become of Shoto if he were to have another heartbreak.

Raising Kanna? Being around friends and family? What if given his past and current lifestyle, he would react worse than Izuku did?

He couldn't even bear the thought.

Tenya smiled, although Shoto couldn't see it.

He smiled even though he was running with a literal ticking time bomb in tow through busy city streets.

He smiled, knowing that there was a chance he wouldn't make it out alive.

"Of course."



The flickering picture of the television was the only illumination in the room, flashing across dull, expressionless features.

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