
870 58 12

2 Years Ago

Izuku's eyes peeled open, the immediate flood of blinding overhead lighting causing his vision to go out of focus.
He felt himself blink and squirm on impulse, his lids hesitating whilst he himself adjusted to the shower of white light.

He slowly inched his wrist upward to soothe the sudden head-splitting headache that ensued, to find that he was unable to do so.

His wrist was bound to a hospital bed--with handcuffs.

Izuku instantly began to panic. What on earth could he have done to warrant such hospitality?

He wanted to mutter to himself the possible causes and consequences of his current state; such theatrics being accompanied with a near stifling feeling--as though the walls were closing in and melting along with the rest of the room.

More than anything, though, he felt the urge to laugh bitterly.

Such irony, the number one pro hero himself, ending up in a hospital room defending countless lives and being bound to a bed in response--with mere handcuffs, no less.

How insulting.

He tugged on the small chain, but there was no give.

The tiny chain he'd intended to snap like cooked pasta was still intact, as though he'd never tried in the first place.

Perplexed, the freckled man tried again.

And again.

Nothing happened.

Alright, now, he was actually beginning to panic.

There was an audible struggle emanating from his room, as he'd come to the sickening realization that his other hand was bound similarly.

Even his legs were strapped to the hospital bed.

Izuku opened his mouth to exclaim, but was cut off by the swinging open of the room's doors.

"What on earth is going on here?"
Funny. He should've been asking that.

Wait...That voice was...

Izuku called, ceasing his movements out of utter shock.

He'd realised that Tenya's dissatisfaction wasn't towards himself, when someone in a large white coat trailed in behind him.

"You can't be in here, it's not safe–"

"He's awake! You guys, Deku's awake!"

Izuku'd recognised the big, bright chestnut-coloured eyes that peered in from the doorway.

Ochako had disappeared as soon as Izuku caught a glance of her, only to reappear with Shoto, Fumikage and Asui following closely behind.

The stranger in the white jacket grew stern.
"We're not allowing visitors, please see yourselves out of the room."

Izuku's restraints rattled as he called,
"Wait! What's going on? Why am I being kept like this? Tell me what's going on!"

"We came as soon as we heard!"
Ochako worriedly stated, as the group was being ushered out of the room.
"Sit tight, Midoriya, we're going to fix this."
Shoto reassured him.
"And try not to speak!"
Tenya added, being the last person that was sent outside.

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