IwaOi - Motivation

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          Iwaizumi was staying late after a long practice. Everyone had already left after succumbing to their exhaustion from the day. Or so he thought.

          "32.. 33.. 34.." Iwaizumi mumbled under his breath as he counted the number of push ups he succeeded in doing.

          It had been a while since he worked out besides volleyball practice and since he had a random burst of energy, he didn't want to put it to waste. And since he was already in workout clothes, he simply slid off his kneepads and got back to exercising.

          "39.. 40!" He stopped for a moment, catching his breath. He wanted to keep going but didn't want to overwork himself. He knew there was volleyball practice the next morning and wasn't about to wreck himself.

          "Giving up already, Iwa-chan~?" Oikawa's shoes appeared in Iwaizumi's vision. He looked up and saw Oikawa with his smug face. Oh, how he hated when Oikawa tested him.

          "Wha-? No! I was just catching my breath, moron! I've hardly started!" Iwa snapped back, continuing his workout. He was not going to let Oikawa see him give up so easily.

          "Oh really? Hmm, you seem to have a lack of motivation, what with nobody around~" Oikawa looked up in thought, placing a finger on his cheek to help him think.

          Damnit! He needs to stop. I know what he's doing. He knows he's being cute and it's pissing me off. I can't focus when he's right there.. Iwaizumi thought angrily as he huffed, pushing up from being a few centimeters from the floor.

          "Get lost, Shittykawa! You talking and distracting me sure isn't motivating me!" Iwaizumi muttered, focusing on the ground below him. "46.. 47.. 48.. forty... nine..." Seijoh's ace struggled to get back up.

          After pushing himself back up, he stayed there for a moment. Sweat dripped down his face as he stared at the floor. His arms hurt, and even though he knew he could continue because he had it in him, he considered throwing in the towel right then and there. He knew Oikawa was waiting for him, they always left the gym together.

          Can't he leave me alone to do this? I'm not gonna be able to get anything done knowing he's standing right there.. The ace breathed heavily, repositioning his arms.

          It was then that he looked up and realized Oikawa was laying on his stomach, resting his chin on his hands, his elbows less that a foot away from Iwaizumi's hands. Oikawa had his feet in the hair, swinging around like a little kid. He was smiling a little, but Iwaizumi had known Oikawa too long not to notice that he was planning something.

          "Well, Iwa-chan, of course not! Me just standing here isn't doing anything, but I think I might know a way to motivate you~" Oikawa looked right at Iwaizumi with that same smirk.

          Iwaizumi knew he was probably plotting something that'd make the spiker want to punch him again, but Oikawa knew he could never hurt him.. at least for no good reason. That smirk on the setter's face was making him a little ticked off, but.. he couldn't help but almost feel nervous.

          What are you planning..?

          Iwaizumi shook his head from his thoughts and looked down again, attempting another push up. It took him a bit longer but he slowly continued his workout.

          "56... 57... 58.... fifty.. ngah.. nine..." Iwaizumi closed his eyes for a moment, taking a deep breath. "Sixty-"

          As the spiker let himself down again, Oikawa appeared beneath him, placing his lips in the perfect spot to give him a kiss as he pushed down.

          Iwaizumi quickly pushed back up and lifted one of his hands to cover his mouth. His face started burning as he realized what just happened.

          "W- What the hell, shittykawa-!?" Iwaizumi yelled, flustered at the fact that Oikawa had never done something like that. The brown-haired boy always teased and was a flirt, especially with him, but the tanned boy always thought it was just an act. Or a joke.

          "Sixty~!" Oikawa cheered, with his cheesy smile on his face. But it soon turned into a smirk. "I told you I could make you motivated~" Oikawa chuckled at himself and placed his hands behind his own head, so he didn't have to lay the back of his head on the floor.

          Iwaizumi just stayed put. He wasn't sure if he should get up, if he should question Oikawa, or if he should continue.... He really wanted to continue because, damn, Oikawa really did know how to motivate him, but it had been a long day and Oikawa could just be messing with him.

          "Oi, what the hell were you thinking-!" Iwaizumi was about to start his harsh lecture on Oikawa, but was cut off.

          Oikawa closed his eyes and pressed a finger against Iwa's mouth. The tanned boy could feel sweat dripping down the side of his face, but not from his workout.

          "Come on, Iwa-chan~. Continue you're workout. I'm here.." Oikawa opened his eyes and smirked. "..to motivate you."

          Iwaizumi was at a loss for words. He couldn't say no when he looked at Oikawa. He wanted nothing more than to see Oikawa beneath him like that, but he always expected it in a different setting. Not in the gym. On the floor. While he was doing push ups. Buuuut, he couldn't say no, so without saying anything, he closed his eyes, and slowly lowered himself once more.

          Just when he was going to stop to push himself up, his lips met Oikawa's again. He pushed up and realized the brunette wasn't straining his neck to kiss him, he simply laid his head on the floor and waited for the spiker to come to him.

          "61~" Oikawa giggled a bit and stared up at Iwaizumi. He smirked again and parted his lips, closing his eyes.

          Iwaizumi took no hesitation and dropped down again, kissing Oikawa for a bit longer before pushing up again. He almost blushed as he became self-aware of both of their positions. Iwa's hands on either side of Oikawa's head. Oikawa's legs spread out since Iwaizumi's were going through the setter's, together in a straight line.

          "62~. You're doing great, Iwa-chan~" He used the same flirtatious and seductive tone as he often used, only this time it was no joke or game.

          The boys stayed like this for another 20 pushups, only stopping when Iwaizumi couldn't handle the sight of Oikawa below him anymore and started making out with him.


          "What a great workout, Iwa-chan~~" Oikawa snuggled into Iwaizumi's chest. He had decided to stay the night at the spiker's house after their fun in the gym.

          "Shut up, Shittykawa." Iwaizumi grumbled before placing a soft kiss on the top of his head.

          And soon enough, they both fell asleep, exhausted after their little 'workout'.

A/N: considering this is my first new writing piece after over a year of writing no new stories, i think it came out pretty well. i got the idea from this post i saw on pinterest:

 i got the idea from this post i saw on pinterest:

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well, you're welcome lol. as soon as i read it i just had to write it xD it feels good to be writing again though :)

1216 words

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