TsukkiYama - Butterflies

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A/N: au with soulmarks - whatever your soulmate writes on their bodies appears on your own.

          Yamaguchi Tadashi had a very rough night last night. After losing the match against Seijoh, Yama was crushed. He blamed himself on everything. If I even landed one serve, maybe we would have won. Tadashi went home and cried himself to sleep, the frustration he had with himself bubbling up inside him. He didn't get much sleep due to his own thoughts, so he looked like even more of a wreck the next morning.

          After finally getting up, getting dressed, and brushing his teeth, he left the house to go to school. He didn't bother eating breakfast or fixing his hair; he slept through his alarm anyway, so he wouldn't have had time. So he simply left the house without another word.

          He met up with Tsukishima before arriving at Karasuno as always, but he didn't bother with his usual rambling. He wasn't in the mood to talk.

          "Good morning, Tsukki.." Tadashi mumbled, not even bothering to look up at his tall friend.

          "Good morning, Yamaguchi." Tsukishima hummed as he walked with his friend, taking off his headphones as a sign of respect and to be polite.

          After the silent walk to school, Tsukki knew something was wrong but didn't bother asking. He'd come to me if it was something serious. He probably just didn't sleep well or is upset about losing the match like everyone else. Kei thought to himself as he grabbed his books from his locker, walking to his class with Yama.

          They both took their seats across the room from each other and Tadashi immediately placed his head in his hands. He had an awful headache from his loud thoughts and the bright lights in the room and he just wanted to go home. Tsukishima looked out the window, losing himself in thought.

          Maybe I should check on Yama later, he does seem a little different today. Tsukki looked over and peered at his freckled friend, noticed his hunched over position. He looked closer and realized the ahoge on his hair stuck up more that usual. Jeez, I don't think he looked in the mirror before coming to school today. I'll talk to him during lunch.

          Pretty soon, class started. Yamaguchi was having a hard time keeping himself awake in class, while Tsukishima simply spaced out while looking out the window. He came to when the teacher announced that they had the rest of class to finish their work. That gave them 10 minutes to finish an easy assignment, and then lunch.

          Kei finished the paper easily, putting it away and cleaning up his desk. When he realized he still had 5 minutes before lunch, he walked up to the teacher and asked to use the restroom. She gave him the okay and he left, glancing over at Tadashi once more, finding out he had fallen asleep on his work, slightly drooling on the desk. Tsukki chuckled to himself and smiled quickly before wiping the grin off his face and leaving the room.

          While Yamaguchi was asleep, a few kids started pointing at him and whispering to each other. They all nodded to each other and stopped talking, slowly and quietly approaching him with dark pens.

          Quickly, one by one, they all started writing horrible things on the poor pinch-server. Normally Tadashi would have woken up at this point, as he's usually a light sleeper, but after what little amount of sleep he got during the night, he was out cold now.

          'Want some anchovies for that pizza face?'

          'Imagine having a lumpy face!'

          'Why are you so wimpy?'



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