TsukkiYama - Are you serious?

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          Despite being the saltiest person one may ever meet, there was one person Tsukishima was somewhat nice to. That person being his best friend since junior high, Yamaguchi. Yes, it's true, Tsukki spoke sarcastically and in a cold manner towards Yama, but the pinch-server knew he wasn't being rude, that's just how he talked most of the time.

          After one long day of volleyball practice, the two crows walked home together, as always. A slight wind passed between the two, making Yamaguchi shiver. In the distance, one could hear a low rumbling that mixed with a flash of light seconds later.

          A storm.. I hope it passes our town.. Yamaguchi thought as he chewed on his lip and rubbed the back of his neck, while clenched his other hand into a tight fist. He quickly started taking slow deep breaths, rubbing his hands together and placing them by his sides so he'd stop clenching his fist.

          "What's wrong, Yamaguchi?" Tsukishima said out of nowhere, suddenly stopping and facing said boy. The freckled one suddenly turned pale and internally started panicking.

          "No! ...uh, nothing, Tsukki! Everything's fine!" Yamaguchi palms started sweating, so he not-so-secretively rubbed his hands on his pants. After doing so he pushed some hair out of his face and scratched his neck.

          Stop touching your face, Tadashi! You're being too obvious, you need to chill out. Calm down!! Yamaguchi internally scolded himself as he subconsciously rubbed his cheek for a moment.

          "Tch. Clearly not. If something is wrong, you're not very subtle about it, so there's no point in lying."  Tsukki mumbled as he continued walking leaving Yamaguchi to catch up on his own account.

          "B-but, well- well I just- I just didn't-" Yamaguchi stumbled over his words, the anxiety preventing his mind from telling his mouth what to say.

          "And please, don't stutter. Just find the words you want to say and say it." The blond boy mumbled with an annoyed tone of voice, not looking back at Yamaguchi.

          Tadashi stood in his tracks and looked down. He shut his eyes tight and started fiddling his hands together. Once Tsukishima noticed his friend wasn't still walking with him, he turned around and stopped as well. There a good two meters between the two as Tsukki stood back and simply studied Yamaguchi's face and body language.

          Well he's very obviously nervous, but I don't know why. Of course he doesn't have to tell me, and he knows that, but I want to help. I know I'm not good with words but Tadashi seems to appreciate anything I say... I guess it's worth a try.. Tsukishima thought as he took a deep breath and opened his mouth to speak. He wouldn't have said anything but it's been a little over a minute by now, and Yamaguchi hadn't moved or spoken a word, which is uncommon unless they were listening to music together, or walking in a comfortable silence. But this silence was so intense it nearly made Tsukishima shiver.

          "Tadashi..." The blond mumbled, for once not knowing what he should say. "You don't have to answer. I know something is going on, and I do expect you to tell me what's troubling you because I'm your friend and you can trust me, but if it's too much, I'll leave it alone for now." Tsukishima breathed out calmly, with a slight coldness, but that wasn't purposeful. He took his time with his words and paused at moments he deemed necessary, staring at Yamaguchi who had just looked up and opened his eyes.

          Silently, the freckled boy turned his gaze back to the floor and started walking towards Tsukki so they could continue their walk home.

          Yamaguchi stayed quiet the whole walk home and Tsukishima didn't try to start a conversation either, assuming something was bothering Tadashi and he didn't want to seem rude by ignoring him and changing the subject. So the middle blocker simply walked next to him in silence, keeping his headphones off to be respectful and polite to his dear friend. But he did not fail to notice the fact that Yamaguchi stood a lot closer to him then normal, and had his shoulders raised up a little. Hmm, a sign of his anxiety.. Tsukishima hummed to himself in thought, not saying anything about it.

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