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Upside Philly.
Dani (Day-ney)dragged herself from the bed as she drank a little water just realizing Jordan wasn't home yet.

She sighed and decided to go watch TV. Switching the TV on she decided to go through her Instagram feed to see that Jordan had post up a video of him and his niggas along with strippers in the club all over him.

She immediately dialed his number waiting for him to answer but sadly he didn't. Getting angry she took one of his car keys and headed to the Strip XOxo which was a good 15mins away from their house.

As she parked she got down angrily walking towards the door. As she reached the bouncer smiled and allowed her in since it was her boyfriends club. Walking in she looked around to see Jordan in the VIP with two white girls on his lap.

Walking to the entrance the bouncer shook his head as he allowed Dani to walk inside. As Jordan saw her he immediately pushed the girls off his lap.

"J, this what we doing now, really" she held her stomach as he stood up looking at her while the music switched up to Danileigh Easy allowing Dani to talk low.

"You suppose to be home and you out here with strippers" she asked as he lowered his head. "Can we talk this when we get home, I got business going on" he said as a tear fell of her eyes. Taking her 5.7 body frame she walked away straight to the parking lot.

She stood near the Range Rover as tears fell off her eyes.

Deciding against anymore tears she headed home.

As she got back to the house she laid in the chaise as tears Wailed up in her eyes. She held her stomach as she thought of her baby. She was beyond stressed out, and she had no more friends or family to support her. They all decided to have nothing to do with her as long as she's with Jordan, a street thug and drug dealer.

Clinging to her chest she struggled to breath as she cried slowly allowing the pain to build up inside. She hoped that everything will be back to normal in the morning.

Two hours later Jordan walked in spotting Dani on the chaise as she slept. He walked over and stood above her looking at how soaked and puffy her eyes were. He didn't know how he turned out from treating her like a queen to hurting her.

Kneeling down to look at her he sighed watching her sleep with so much pain and hurt written all over her.

This was the woman that held him down for 2years, 2years when he was nothing and now his has everything his suppose to protect her from hurt and pain, guilt stroke his heart as he walked to the kitchen cabinet taking the Hennessey bottle and pouring it into a glass.

Drinking it he was figuring out how he would look Dani in the eyes something he hadn't done for months because he was full of lies.

She sacrificed a lot for him and now his messing it up,  he can't help it.

"Ya gon' say something to me or" she said as he turned around to see her standing in the kitchen entrance.

"Dani" he Paused as she raised her hands up making him sigh.

"How long will this keep going on J, how long" she asked as he hung his head. "Am so...."

"Fuck allat boy, you know what you pulling this way too fa'" she said in her ghetto accent.

"Ba....." he froze as she walked out on him.

The next morning Dani woke up to see that she was still on the chaise. Going to the guest bathroom she showered and threw a big T-shirt and white sweat pants on.

Putting her hair into a ruff state falling over her face she walked to the kitchen to see most of the food stuffs were finish. Looking into her purse she spot out a 30 dollar bill then walking out to the door to see that Jordan had his cars all taken out.

She slowly walked to the small restaurant to get some food.

It was a popular small spot and the place was filled with people. Taking the empty booth she say down and ordered a simple meal. Jordan had gone and she was on her on, it was a usual thing for her he would travel or not come home for days and she would be by herself only this time he didn't leave any money.

Hungrily finishing her food she paid for it with some extra change she got a glass of juice.

When she was finished she walked home slowly as her stomach growled. She was pregnant and her baby daddy was no were, he was prolly with one of his girls, she thought.

Feeling drowsy she spot a house that had a porch, it looked empty so she decided to sit there for awhile.

Holding her phone she dialed Jordan's number for the 100th time he didn't pick up. She suddenly felt sleepy and decided to lay down on he comfortable outside couch on the porch.

1hour later...

Walking towards his country cando with one of his chicks, Dark who's real name is Kojo spotted a  a girl with hair all over her face as he sighed then tapped her.

"Ayo crack head get off ma porch" he shouted as Dani jerked from her sleep then looking down. "Am sorry am sorry" she said as she tried getting up but still felt drowsy, everything was blurry in her eyes but she couldn't look up.

"Hummm, Dark, ma mama just called I gotta go" the chick said as Kojo nodded and gave her some cash. "Bye daddy" she said as he smirked. Looking at the girl still sitting down he sighed heavily.

"Bitch get to crack head off ma porch ian gotta say...get up" he said as he yanked Dani up making her winced in pain. "My baby" she muttered. "Yeah whatever" he said as he let her stand by herself.

Not being able to stand for a sec Dani fell as Kojo grabbed her from reaching the ground in the time. Her body felt limped as he took her inside. If he would have left her outside he would look heartless and his not.

As she laid on his sofa he decided to check her pocket, seeing a purse then seeing a phone. It was an iPhone 11pro, she probably stole it he thought as he saw messages popping up.

Looking at the screen saver he saw the most beautiful girl he ever seen. "Yeah she deff stole the phone" he said as he brought an ice pack to put on her face.

"She better get her crack head up" he mumbled as he removed the hair from her face. He froze as he saw the same girl on the screen in his face. Moving more hairs until they were on the side he covered his mouth.

"WTF" he gasped.

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