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Baby you should lay up in ma bed...do you mind.

The next evening Dani woke up feeling tired as usual, she was still on her pills and medication. She got up and stood in front of the mirror, something she does every morning since she's been at Kojo's house.

First, when Dani saw Kojo's real house she almost fainted. It was beautifully made and he had people come clean up the house and pool every 3 days in a week.

She looked at how messy her hair was and her skin was making a tear fall off. She wanned to enjoy life like she used to she had goals, and she wanted to accomplished them.

A knock was heard on the door snapping her out her thoughts as Kojo walked in with his waves loosed and a combed in his hand. He was shirtless revealing his tattoo making her stare too long. "Dani" he called as he jumped a little. "Hey ugr, hi" she stammered as he shook his head chuckling.

"Can you braid ma hair" he asked. "Uh....you want me to braid your hair" she asked back  dumbfounded. "Yeah, please" he begged as she smiled. She motioned for him to sit on the rug near her bed opposite the big mirror while she sat on the bed.

"How you want it" she asked him. "You know those ponytail type shit niggas be doing these days, yeah" he replied making her chuckle. As she patted the hair he started dozing off making her smack him a lil. "Uh, uh," he said as she giggled. He was happy she made some typa laughing sounds.

"For real, for real" he mumbled as he watched their reflection in the mirror. The way she concentrated on making him look good, he smirked. After she was done Kojo was already knocked out so Dani took his phone and did a mirror video for Snapchat.

"Sleepy" she whispered into the phone as she giggled.
After the few secs video she posted it on Snapchat and laid Kojo softly on the rug as she put a pillow under his head.

Going downstairs she decided to cook. Looking into the fridge everything was in order. His chef must be good, but she could work her magic.

She owed Kojo alot, she never had a stranger helped her before and she felt she should do something big.

She made african-jollof rice with grilled chicken for dinner, salad, with corn bread, mash potatoes and juice for desert then she laid out the snickers chocolate in case he wanted sweet to digest.

Seeing that he was still sleep she went to his room cleaning and arranging then she set a warm water bath for him. Seeing it was already dark she went into her room and knelt down near Kojo watching him sleep.

"You just gon' stare at a nigga" he spoke as she jerked falling down. "Damn, boy you scared me" she said as he opened his eyes. "Hummmm" he hummed as he sat up.

"Come here follow me" she said as he got up following her to his room. "I made a warm bath, so when you're done come downstairs" she said as he looked at her weirdly and nodded.

As he relaxed in his bath tub he smiled at the thoughts of Dani being so caring, he never had a female doing him like this. After dressing up into a shorts and white T he walked downstairs. "Dani,,,Dan..." He paused as he saw Dani dressed in a red shinning dress that fitted her curves, her hair was in a messy bun but complemented her shinning sliver earrings that hung from her ears.

"Dan...." Kojo spoke as she smiled while taking his hand. Following her into the dinning room he almost cried, seeing the table lit with electric candles and the light dim all over the room he smiled, for the first time in months he really smiled showing his white teeth as Dani chuckled.

"when did you order this" he asked as Dani smacked the back of his neck even thou she was a 5.7 and he was 6ft exact. "Sit down I made it maself while you was sleep" she replied as he sat in shock. She beautifully served him as he watched her every move making something in his heart sparkle.

"Okay let's eat, cause am starving" she said as Kojo nodded heavily...."wait, pray" she added as they both said a silent prayer then started digging in.

Kojo looked at Dani as he kept eating closing his eyes his mind took him back to his mother on her dying bed...

"Mama, what am I going to do without you" a 17 year old boy asked his mom as she she laid on her death bed. "A lot baby, you'll be great" she answered. "But I ain't gonna find a mama like you" he said. "Oh you will, there'll be a woman that will come into your life and change everything son" she said as Kojo looked at her.

"How....how do I know she the one ma" he asked. "The way she'll treat you, the taste of her food will Taste like mine, that's her"

"Joe, you okay" Dani asked as she saw a tear run down Kojo's eyes. Quickly getting up she brought water. "Are you choking, is the pepper too much, am so sorry Is the food too hot, are you allergic....I...."

"You're her" Kojo spoke as he looked at Dani then stood up, he immediately brought her into a hug as his hands rubbed her bare back that were exposed due to the dress she wore.

"Thank you" he mumbled in her embrace as she was confused but smiled and also rubbed his lower back. "Can we finish eating now cause you got me scared"

5mins later.

"Nooo she's coming out, oooomygooood" Dani shouted as she buried her head in Kojo's chest. "Chill nah" Kojo said as they were watching The ring.

"Off it, off it" Dani said as he flicked the TV off. "Happy he asked as she opened one eye making Kojo chuckle. " am going to bed" she said as she walked up the stairs. Kojo purposely sat down waiting for her to tell him to come up. "Joe ain't you coming up" she asked as he laughed so hard he fell off the couch.

"She's crazy man" he said as he stood up.

Dani looked around her room, that movie was in her head the whole night she swore she could have seen the girl from the ring. Running into Kojo room she jumped on his king size bed as he started laughing. "What" she asked with a serious face as he bursted out laughing more.

"You really think this funny am scared" she whined as he placed the covers over her. "Okay, okay, I gotchu, BOO!!"

"Argggh," she screamed as she jumped of the bed making Kojo to laugh so hard his stomach hurt.

When he realized Dani was really scared he helped her get back on the bed.

"Am sorry, shit too funny, but nothings coming for you, promise" he said as nodded still looking around. To get her mind of things she decided this was the perfect time to ask him what he did for a living.

"So, what do you really do for a living" she asked as he looked at her deeply. "I own a gym, a footlocker and accessories store, and....." He paused still thinking if he should tell her..

"And a bunch of smart niggas who society rejected working for me" he ended as she smiled. "Explains why you have all this" she said as she got sleepy. "Dani" he called as she answered with her eyes closed.

"Ian gon let shit happen to you, ima take care of you" he said as she finally slept.

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