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Kojo Thompson...
2hours later...
"She will be ight man" all my boys said as we sat in the waiting room. "Daddy I want mommy" Konira said as she woke up from her sleep rubbing her eyes.

"Mommy will be here soon okay, we just gotta wait for what the doctor will say okay, but daddy's here and he got you" I said as she smiled while laying her head on ma chest and going back to sleep.

"Mr.Thompson... Mrs.Thompson suffered from food poisoning, do you know what she might have eaten" the doctor asked as my mind clicked instantly.

"We went out, to eat, and when we came it just happened" I said.

"Okay, but she's fine, its a miracle, we will test the substance in her system and see what kind of poisoning it is, as of now she's stable" the doctor said as I thanked him and went to her room.

"Heyyy baeee" Dani greeted as I held her hand with my free hand. "Look at you looking all beautiful up in here" I said as she forced a smile. "Omg, Tinky is sleeping, her eyes are puffy, my baby" she said as I nodded.

"She been crying all night constantly asking for you, but she good" I said as I tried to hide my emotion. Dani was ma soulmate if anything happens to her I will murder a town.

"Babe" Dani said as I looked at her.

"Thy tried to kill me" she ended.

Next two days after discharge.


Dani woke up in the middle of night night to see Kojo getting dressed.

"Joe were you going" she asked as she stood up. He looked like a different person, his eyes were bloodshot red, he didn't even pay her any mind.

"Joe" Dani called softly but he still kept dressing until he clicked a button in the closet making the closet open revealing, guns, and other merchandise.

Dani was shocked as Joe took some and threw in the black duffle bag he had on the floor.

"Babe what are you doing" Dani asked as she walked to the other end of the room then came back picking up bullets.

"Babe, Listen to ME!!" Dani shouted as he snapped a neck at her making her get scared but she had to stop him.

"Babe, what are you doing" she asked as he cleared his throat. "Kill that dumb ass nigga" he replied in a deep voice Dani has never heard.

"Kill who Joe" she asked.

"Jordan" he replied as he continued packing more guns into another duffle bag.

"Why, explain to me what's going on" Dani asked.

"JORDAN!!!.....Jordan, Jordan had your father poison your food so that you could die so you can't be mine!!!" Kojo replied heavily as Dani stepped back. "My dad did that, he wanted to kill me why" Dani asked.

"Cause your pops works for him, they got some kinda deal, if he don't kill you, Jordan will turn your pops to the feds" Kojo said as he continued.

Dani was taken back at what she heard but she quickly snapped out of it.
"Baby" she said as she touched his arm, immediately he softened looking at Dani.

"If you do this.....you might go to jail or die, I knew what you did for a living, Remy and Knight told me, look, babe...I love you, were just closed to our wedding, Konira needs a dad and..." she said as she took Kojo's hand and placed it on her stomach.

"And our unborn child, he needs you, I can't do this all alone, I can't be with no one else, please just abort this, for me and the sake of our kids, your mother would want this" Dani said as Kojo dropped the bag.

"We can sell the house and go back to Denver were Konira was born, we'll live our own lives, we have enough, please" Dani said as she slowly brought Kojo into a hug.

"I love you too Dani, and am happy we adding another mini us to our family, but I gotta finish this" Kojo said as Remy and Knight entered the room.

"All set boss" Knight said as Dani looked confused. "Let's go Dani" Remy said.

"Look you and Konira ya all gotta leave, if I make it I'll meet ya all there" Kojo said as he cupped Dani's face.

"What, and if you don't Kojo, just come with us, please" Dani said as tears fell off her eyes.

He kissed her as she responded. "Let's go" Remy shouted as he dragged Dani out his sight....."kojo.....kojo......babbee nooo" her voice faded as a tear escaped his eyes...

Deeply inside Dani didn't know, this was revenge, for his mom, for his trap, his best friend Darius, everyone was going to pay, and the love of his life.. How could they dare touch her, or tried to even kill her....

Getting into his car he reached Jordan's ware house, sitting in from a distance her had his 200 men on stand by.

"She on flight" Kojo asked as Cody nodded. Kojo sat there as thoughts flew through his head..... Waiting for Jordan he was gonna make him pay, he and Dani's father.

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