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Next morning....
Dani sat down shaking her legs as her assigned bodyguard from Kojo walked in. "Ma'am would you like anything" he asked in a deep voice as she looked at his 6.5 big body build with muscles.

"No....I want my husband" she mumbled as he sighed. His name was Osman.

" mommy were daddy" Konira asked for the 100th time this morning making Dani frustrated...."lord please please bring my husband back to me, I'll do anything you want me to" she prayed as Konira walked towards Osman.

"You're gonna call my daddy for me and mommy" Konira asked Osman as he carried her up making her rest on his shoulders.

"Osman....please can you take us out I wanna get some food for Konira" Dani said as he nodded.

10:pm that evening.

After putting Konira to bed, Dani went up the room and laid down. She called Kojo a thousand times giving up she started crying.....

I know his dead, I can feel it, he said he will be back by this morning so if he didn't make it then his dead. Omg......no....

"Osman, I need to go back to Philly" I said to Osman. "You can't ma'am" he said as I cried harder.

"What if Kojo dies you will leave right" I asked him.

"I have to protect you till he returns" Osman replied. "What if he doesn't " I asked. "Then its my duty to serve you till am no longer needed....." Osman replied.

I rubbed my stomach as I laid down.

"If boss isn't here by tomorrow I will have to take you to your house in Chicago" Osman said as I raised my eyebrows. "Yes he bought you both a house in Chicago, sold the old one" Osman said as a tear filled up my eyes.

Chicago, Illinois

"This place is nice" I said as I admired the 5bedroom complex. "This Maria, she's your house help and she lives in the keepers dorm" Osman said as he pointed to the other side of the yard that had a studio apartment with 4flats.

"Hi, this is my daughter Konira, and am expecting" I shook Maria's hand. She was about 45, or so. "Ooh mama you're pretty" she smiled to Konira with her thick Spanish accent as Konira giggled.

"Come Ma'am lemme show you your room" Osman said as I followed him leaving Maria to take Konira to her room.

Opening the door I smiled heavily. The large bed, my vanity light mirror, the TV, everything was in tact, I loved pillows and Kojo got them in different shapes.

Osman slowly walked away as I looked around. "He really wanned to surprise me, I miss him" I said as my phone dinged.

Looking at it I started burning with anger.

Jordan: your pretty boy dead now, am about to have you!!!!!

"Osman, Osman" I shouted in fear.

"Jordan, he....." I started crying as Osman read the message.
"Ma'am calm down, I need you to stay here, I'll have to take this to an unknown location and drop it to make sure somebody picks it but before that I'll wipe out all the info" he said as I nodded. How was he that smart.

1hour later..

"Ma'am" Osman called as he walked into my room seeing the door was opening. "Please call me Dani" I said as I blew my nose into a handkerchief. " Dani, am really sorry, but its true, Kojo is dead" he said as I laughed. "Nah I know his downstairs, his going to surprise me" I said as I walked downstairs to see that no one was there.

"Dani, his not here" I said as Dani kept laughing and looked at me. "What about Remy, Knight" she asked. "They both in coma, Cody had given me the info, am sorry, Kojo took many bullets he didn't make it" I replied as she was about to fall so I rushed to hold her.

"No...noooooo" she shouted as I heard Konira come downstairs. "I want daddy" she said as I realized she heard the news. "I want daddy" she said as she walked towards me.

"Mommy I want....."

"Daddy ain't coming back!!!, daddy's dead Konira, daddy's dead" Dani cried as Konira just stood there. "Daddy dead, but daddy come back" Konira said as I knelt in front of her.

She was little and probably didn't understand the word dead.

"When people die Konira they don't come back they go to heaven" I explained as best I could. "Heaven, but I go to heaven I see daddy" she said as Dani walked away.

"No Konira, you will have to grow up, grow old and die before...."

"So daddy not coming to see me and mommy" she asked.

"No" I simply replied.

"But whyyyyy!!!" She screamed.


"Daddy love me, daddy love mommy daddy no go, daddy come back,,,,,,dadddddddayyyy" she shouted as she ran outside.

I stood as Dani followed her.

"Nooo, I want daddy" she cried as Dani held her.....

"This shit fucked up Kojo" I mumbled.

5months later.

"Happy birthday sweetheart" Dani said as Konira stood there looking at her cake. "Make a wish and blow it" Dani said as Konira did, she was now 3years old.

"She's never gonna speak again" Dani said to me as Konira went to sit among her classmates as it was a birthday party.

"Humm." I hummed. "I miss Kojo, I wish I could have seen his face one last time Osman, you know he saved me from killing myself, he treated me like a queen, we were gonna get married" she said as I rubbed her back.

Dani has become like my little sister and apart from the money, I had to protect her, Konira and her new baby boy on the way.

"Uhm, I can't really stand am tired" she said as I held her waist helping her get to the chaise in the living room.

"Ugrr....carrying a baby us hard Osman" she said as I chuckled. "Want me get you anything" I asked as she shook her head while closing her eyes.

"Sleepy.... Here....Maria and I will take care have some rest" I said as she smiled.

Kojo Thompson.

"Any word from Osman" Cody asked as he Knight and I sat down in the prison cafeteria. "Yeah" I mumbled. "What he say, how's Dani" Cody asked again. "Yeah" Knight added.

"Dani, she doing well, you know, we having a boy" I smiled as Cody and Knight cheered me up.

"Konira.....Heard she don't speak" I said. "What, why" they asked at the same time. "After she heard I was dead, she ain't speak" I said. "Man you gotta call em" Cody said. "Today her birthday, She 3" I said as I took out her picture Osman mailed to me.

"I failed,,,,,I can't even talk to them, I feel its better to know am dead than...."

"To hell with that bullshit man, they your family, them knowing you alive gives them hope and your daughter can stop being traumatized, what bout your son huh" Knight asked.

"Man I know Dani she gon fly up here with ma kids and she ain't never gon be safe" I said.

"Shit you gotta point, but Osman ain't gon let that happen, just call em".

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