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4months on......

So I wanna give you ma testimony..

"Hey beautiful" Kojo called as Konira ran to hug him. Dani stood there speechless as she held her 1month old baby in her arms.

"Hey" she greeted as he looked in her eyes. She saw the restriction chain on his leg as he gazed at her.

He hadn't seen the woman that held his soul for so long he thought he would never see her again. She slowly gave Messiah to Maria as she hugged him with all her might while sobbing in his chest. "I thought you was dead dumb ass" she playfully  pounded his chest as he chuckled a little wiping her tears.

"Nah mama, I can't just give up on you like that, you look so fucking good. So many shit I wanna do to you" he whispered the last part in her ear as she chuckled.

"That ma son, damn" he said as he took Messiah from Maria carefully. "Hey lil man" Kojo cooed as Messiah smiled showing his lil gum.

"Ay, you know wassup" Kojo said as he looked at Dani. "Thank you" he mouthed.

Kojo's old crib.....
"So the police ain't watching but once you move out this house they gon come thru" Dani asked as Kojo nodded.

"When's the court date" she asked.

"Five days from now that's Saturday" Kojo replied as she nodded.

Rocking Messiah in his arms he couldn't help but smile. He had a son, a little him.

"My lawyer would come over tomorrow morning" Kojo said as Dani nodded.

"I miss you so much, I kinda shoulda listened to you" Kojo said as Dani shook her head.

"Jordan, any news from him" Dani asked.

"Oh, nigga actually running my shit" Kojo replied.

"That's what he wanted" Dani asked as she scrunched her face. "Yes, exactly" Kojo replied.

"Jordan is sick, why his he doing all of this" Dani asked.

"Because of you and what I got" Kojo replied.
"So you got any plans" Dani asked.

"Yeah.....that's why I had you come" Kojo smirked.


The kids stayed home with Maria and Osman as I sat down in the court room. Kojo sat with his lawyer as he turned to look at me smirking I couldn't help but laugh even thou I was too nervous.

I was going to testify against Jordan, the man I once loved, the man I gave my virginity and ma soul to.

But he was the man that took my baby, and almost tried to fucking kill me and ma husband so ima make sure he rots in jail.

10mins later

"Miss Dani, will you please step up" Kojo lawyer asked as I  swore and  waited for the questions.

Jordan's lawyer: miss Dani, do you know Mr. Jordan Miles?

Me: yes I do.

Jordan's lawyer: what personal relation do you have with him?

Me: his my ex boyfriend.

Jordan's lawyer: so can you explain to me why you two broke up?

Kojo's lawyer: objection my lord!!

Judge: Order! You may continue.

Me: he cheated on me, he had a fiancé I never knew about.

Jordan's lawyer: and after you left you met Mr. Thompson?

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