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How.....but why would he do that shit to you.

Kojo watched as Dani opened her eyes making him stare like an idiot. "The time is 5:35 and yeah you're safe ma" he said quickly before she could ask any questions making her relax a little.

"Am sorry I zoned out, I don't know what's been going on lately....I..." She stopped as she realize she didn't even know the guy she was currently looking at.

"It's okay, I get it, how you feeling" he asked as she exhaled loudly. "Omg am so hungry,...." She replied as he walked to the kitchen to get her some cake, biscuit and juice. "Just wha' I neede'" she said as she rushed everything.

Kojo looked at her trying to figure out why would a beautiful girl like her be looking like this. "You said something about a baby" he asked as she stopped eating and started breathing heavily. "Omg, my baby, am pregnant, my baby, I hope she's okay, omg, my" she cried as she rubbed her stomach, she was only two months so the bumb was still a little small.

"Calm down, calm down, miss, ay mama, " Kojo shouted as he held her softly making her stop to look at him.

"Your baby is okay, lemme take you home okay" Kojo said as he was tired with this girl's bullshit.

As they drove she directed him until they reached the house.

"Thank you" she mumbled as she got down and walked in closing the door. He shook his head and drove off, forgetting to ask her for her name.

15mins later..

As Dani entered the house she saw a dress spread out on the staircase. Confused she walked up the stairs slowly to hear voices coming from her and Jordan's room.

As she pushed the door opened she looked at Jordan and a light skin girl who looked pregnant and had a shinning stud ring on her left finger.

"Jordan....what's going on" Dani asked almost at the verge of crying. "Uhuhmmm..." He paused as the light skinned girl got up wearing Dani's favorite rope Jordan bought for her last valentine.

"Uhmmm,,,babe who's this" she asked as Jordan looked at her then at Dani. "She ma........"

"Omg, you're Dani right, Jordan's cousin I saw pics of you in his phone and oo, you pregnant too am Layah" she brought a hand to Dani as Dani stood there numb.

"Jordan who's she" Dani managed to ask.

"Uh, his fiancé...I felt we should be more close since the baby might come anytime soon you know" she smiled as Jordan looked at Dani. Dani held her chest and smiled. "That's cool Layah, nice to meet you" Dani said as she walked away.

She had no were to go and no one to talk to so she just had to suck it up and stay here until she finds her feet.

She went to the guest room were most of her things were and laid down on the bed. Hearing laughter's she put her airpods in her ears and listened to Danileigh Easy.

The next morning.....5am...

Dani felt a sharp pain go right through her as she woke up from sleep. Turning on the lights she saw blood flowing down her legs as she cried......she took her phone and purse as she found her way to the stairs she tried her best not to cry as the pain was unbearable.

Dani was only 19, she was still young and going through all this.

Looking at the stairs she knew she could walk down them. She bite her lips and let her body roll down the straight stairs making the pain worse and adding bruises to her body. That was the fastest way.

Seeing she had no one to call, she knew she could make it....she just couldn't...

The blood kept coming as she called her doctor....

30mins later
Jordan heard voices as he got up to ease himself. He went downstairs to see Dani crying and to see her assigned doctor miss Raves. "What's going on" he asked as she sighed while Dani just cried.

"Miss Dani here called me, telling me it was an emergency so I came checking.....she's been stressed out lately, and she haven't been eating right, properly taking care of....she lost the baby" the doctor said as Jordan heart sank. "Am sorry, she will need to be at the hospital tomorrow for a full checkup and clean up, really sorry" the doctor said as she left.

Jordan felt like someone had stabbed him in the chest. He looked at Dani,.... He had nothing to say as she kept crying. He suddenly walked away.

Dani screamed as Layah woke up but Jordan told her it was fine that Dani needed space.
"But babez something's wrong" Layah said as Jordan closed the door and the sound became less.

"Mama........" Dani cried as her eyes were puffy red till she couldn't cry no more, she looked around, her eyes averted upstairs, just knowing that the man she loved was in their bed with another woman made her ripped her clothes off,,,,she took a rope and headed out the house walking towards the bride over the river.

She kept screaming and crying, feeling the hurt, betrayal, no one in this world knew her pain, she lost if all, her only hope her baby, was gon' she felt it was her fault, she caused it.

Standing over the bridge it was silent as she began tying the rope, all this could end for her, and she will be fine she kept thinking.

As she finished tying the rope, she tied the other hand tight around her neck as she climbed over the railings.

Meanwhile the Kojo was driving home coming from a party with his hommies knight and Remy as they spotted a figure trying to hang of the bridge. "Ayo sto" they shouted as they got down running to Dani's side. Too late she jumped off choking.........

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