Hey guys! I've finally decided on a name for my OC, and I'm going to call her Daisy after my friend who introduced me to the fandom. I couldn't be more thankful for her, she's incredible! You can go follow her art account on instagram @ toxigore, she's awesome at art and a huge fan of the Lunch Club too, so check her out!
~Grace 💕
_______________________________BEEP. BEEP. BEEP.
Charlie woke up suddenly to the incessant beeping of his alarm. Reaching over to turn it off, he groaned lowly and buried his face into the pillow to hopefully lessen the light's assault on his eyes. As soon as he recovered, he reached over to grab his phone so he could check the date and time.
Seven years exactly since he had to leave Daisy behind.
It was never any easier as the years passed by. He knew he should have moved on by now, but it was hard to forget the one girl who affected his life in such an amazing way. Moving to America was the last thing he wanted to do as a 14 year old in high school. It meant he had to leave behind everything he had built up for the last 14 years of his life at the drop of a hat because his parents were convinced it was 'the new start they needed'. The first year was hard, but he soon met some incredible friends he knew he would be close with for life, and it was them who made this new life so much better.
Carson was the first person Charlie had told about Daisy. Over time, Carson had begun trying to encourage Charlie to move on, as to him it was just some stupid high school crush. Charlie had tried dating other girls, wishing nothing but to be able to forget about the girl his heart yearned for, but it was futile. With every girl he dated for however long, all he wanted was Daisy. He knew nothing would compare to her, as she was one in a million. One in 8 billion, in fact. From the day his parents flew over to America, he vowed he'd find her again. Even if that meant going back over to the UK, he'd do it. He would do anything for that girl.
Charlie was soon pulled from his thoughts by his next alarm, which was even louder and more obnoxious than the last. He soon got out of bed, making his way to the bathroom to compose himself before he got ready to go to the Lunch Club house to make another video. He had been invited to live with them at the huge mansion they had multiple times, but he was more comfortable living on his own. Charlie wasn't as big of an extrovert as the others and couldn't handle too much socialisation, so it was kind of a blessing to have his own place to escape to after a long day.
As he was getting dressed, his phone started ringing. He wasn't feeling up to dealing with the shenanigans of the others because of the nature of the day, but he knew he had to put a brave face on. He looked at the screen, seeing the familiar face of Carson and sighed to himself. Even before he held the phone up to his ear, he could already hear the deafening sound of everyone shouting and laughing in the background.
"What's up Carson?" He mentally slapped himself for sounding so obviously not himself, hoping Carson wouldn't notice.
"You on your way dude? I was wondering if you could pick some food up for us."
Charlie wasn't looking forward to the extra interaction of getting food, but he didn't want to be an asshole. "Sure bud, that's fine. Text me the order and I'll bring it over as soon as."
"Are you sure? It's okay if you don't want to, I'm sure one of the other guys can grab it-"
"No Carson, it's fine. I got it. See you soon."
He hung up the call, pocketing his phone and making his way to the car. As he got in, he made sure to put on the playlist Daisy made for him all those years ago. He never changed his spotify account or got rid of it, as it held the one thing he had left to remind him of her. He started the car and started driving to the McDonald's down the road, as it was the easiest place to get food.
He drove into a parking space, pausing the music and getting out of the car to go inside. He checked his phone in line to order the food, not paying attention to anything around him.
"What can I get you sir?"
The voice pulled him from his thoughts, causing him to stumble over his words.
"S-sorry, can I-I get five big mac meals and two cheeseburger meals, all without drinks please."
"That'll be $35.83 please"
Charlie pulled his card out of his wallet, putting it in the card machine and paying without making eye contact with the employee. He grabbed his food, leaving the building and going back to his car to drive over to Carson's.
As he pulled up outside the house, he took a minute to wipe the tears from his eyes. This always happened when he listened to Daisy's playlist. He got out of the car and grabbed the food, going up to the door and knocking. It opened suddenly, the grinning face of Carson greeting him.
"Good to see you du-" His face fell when he saw Charlie's face. He checked his phone, seeing the date. "It's that day, huh." He smiled sadly, holding his arms out to hug Charlie.
"Y-Yeah, it's that day." Charlie replied, hugging the other tight, burying his face in Carson's shirt.
"It's okay if you want to take a step back for today, you don't have to be in the video if you don't feel up to it." Carson understood this was hard for Charlie. It was the same every year, he knew he wouldn't see Charlie for a couple of days because it was normal for him to curl up in his room and not leave until he had a reason to. Usually that reason was to get groceries or give in to Carson begging him to come over.
"I'd appreciate it if you could do without me, I'm really not feeling myself today." He sniffled quietly, pulling away from the hug.
"It's no problem at all, I know it's hard for you. Do you want me to take the food?"
"Yeah, that's fine. You don't need to pay me back, it's my treat to apologise for not being there. Thanks for everything Carson." Charlie smiled sadly.
"It's fine dude, don't worry about it. Just know I'm here to talk if you need me. You're not alone."
"Thanks. I'll call you sometime. See you soon hopefully." Charlie made his way back to his car, waving at Carson as he drove off. As soon as he got home, he got changed and got straight into bed.
He couldn't deal with the world today.
And that was okay.

☆ oh how I love you ☆
FanfictionCharlie and Daisy parted ways 7 years ago. Will they find each other again when they need it most? _______________ everything you need to know about the story will be in the first chapter ♡ !!!!! PLEASE READ THE MOST RECENT A/N !!!!!