Chapter 1 : The darling Hannah

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I loved my life , before I was sixteen though. I was much more happier in school than I am now. I am an introvert type of person from the beginning but still I managed to have pretty good friends in school. I was every teacher's favorite student. Good in studies , people treated me with respect.

After 10th grade all my friends seperated or I should say I was separated from my friends.They all took commerce and I took science. But this is not that bad as I gained one pretty good friend ; she studies with me in classes.

After looking at my good grades, my mom decided that I will be a doctor, like it was the most natural thing on earth that a girl with specs who is quite good in studies has to be a doctor. I obeyed my mom and here I am studying day and night, attending classes , performing practicals in junior college and struggling hard to pass the entrance exam so to get admission in famous medical college.

As I am deeply indulged in talking with myself I heard my mom calling out my name "Hannah , what are you doing ? You should be studying now. What do you keep writing in your diary ? Can I have a look at it ?"She was worried for me.

"No mom , back off . You are not going to read my personal stuff. I completed my homework and just took 15 mins break."

"Look honey, I just want you to study wholeheartedly just these few days. Once you get admission in good medical college , your life will be sorted. You won't have to depend on anyone............unlike me." Her voice fainted at last word.

I knew my mom always wanted to be a doctor and live independently. But it didn't work out and she got married to my dad. She wants her dream to come true by Me.

"I know mom , I won't disappoint you." I assured her.

"I know darling. Dinner is in the kitchen. Don't stay up for too long. Good night dear. I love you."

"Love you too mom, good night.

I continued studying for two hours , had dinner and before going to sleep I took a look in mirror. "Cutie Hannah" everyone used to call me that when I was little. I had a perfectly round face with round eyes which caught everyone's attention. I am still like a healthy girl, unlike other girls who wanted to have a perfect figure , I was happy with my own self.

Another day , and I realised I have only five days left for my exam. I kicked my butt out and started preparing for it. Okay so biology is cool. Organic chemistry umm excellent , inorganic.... well works. Physics............ damn , it sucks!! I really need someone's help in that really insane subject. God why is it so hard to understand the laws of motion, or the gravitational force, or current, or electricity or anything in physics !!

"Hannah, are you inside ?" It is a familiar voice. Oh geesh , how can I forgot , Stella waa coming today to study with me. I rushed and opened the door.

She was wearing a blue top and black jeans perfectly fitted on her slim body.  Her eyes were brown with beautiful eyelashes. I was awestruck by her and kept looking at her for a minute.
"Oh hi Stella, I am sorry I just........ "

"I know, I know you again forgot that I was coming over like you do every time".

"I am sorry Stella. Come inside. I have some doubts in physics , will you help me in solving it ?"

"Of course, what am I here for !
A friend in need is a friend indeed."

"Yeah right , Thanks."

"Hannah , may I come in ?" I heard mom's voice.

"Hi Stella , how are you doing ?"

"I am good Mrs. Williams, how are you ?"

"I am good too. How's your preparation going on ? "

"Pretty well , I guess."

"Here are some snacks for both of you. Study well."

"Thank you mom."

We started studying. She explained me everything with interest. She didn't get bored after I asked her same questions like more than ten times. She really is patient.

"Hey Hannah, what do you think will we get admission in same college or will we get seperated?"

I shrugged on hearing the last word because I was just not over the pain of separation with my old friends. "I don't know Stella , but I just hope wherever you'd go , you'd just not forget about me."

"No , never , how can I forget about you. Where do you want to get admission ?"

"Stella , let's study. We will discuss this later. There's just half of physics done, biology and chem are still left."

"Ah........ I am bored. It's been 4 hours since we are loosing our mind in physics. Let's just take 15 mins break and then we will start biology. I promise." She looks so innocent while talking.

"Okay, I am fine with it." I chuckled.
We talked about usual stuff had snacks and started biology. She went home around 6 pm .

Days passed . One day left to my exam.  The night before exam was a nightmare. I was sitting on my bed with my books surrounding me all along. I was struggling to find my book in which I made notes, but I couldn't find it . Whichever book I was opening , I felt every word as new . My mind was blank. Oh crap , how can I forget all this ! This is so terrible ! What will I do tomorrow ? I laid my head down.

Mom entered. "Honey, are you all right ? You should take some rest. Tomorrow is a big day."

"Ya, certainly big. I feel like I haven't studied a thing mom. I am going to mess everything in exam."

"No darling you won't. You just need some rest. Tomorrow will be fine." She promised me. "Sleep peacefully. Good night Hannah."

"Night mom."

I didn't realize when I slept. I opened my eyes at 6 am in morning . Mom was right. I was feeling good and energetic after some sleep. I packed my bag , had breakfast and got ready both physically and mentally.

"Hannah , let's go , we are going to be late" Stella was at the door waiting for me.
"Coming Stella" I hurried.
"All the best dear. Just take a deep breath whenever you feel stressed."
"Thanks mom. Bye.

The three hours exam seemed to pass very fast. I solved chemistry first, then biology and got very less time for physics. As soon as it finished , I rushed to home. I went straight into my room avoiding my mom's gaze which was staring at me with so many questions. I laid in my room thinking my whole year's hard work was just to be proved in this three hour's exam. My eyes closed and I was deep asleep.

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