Chapter 7 - The Lovie Dovies

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"Hii Hannah" Mike said with a smile when I was opening my book.
"Hey Mike" I replied with a smile too.
"Have you bought the material ?"
"No , not yet"
"What are you going to do then , you heard Dr. Robert right ?
"Um ... Yes.... I will figure that out"
"We are going in evening to buy that. You can join us."
It was a good option , after all as much as I know , all my roommates have bought that material already and I don't know anyone else here , besides Mike looks like a nice guy.
"Yeah sure , I will come with you. Just text me 15 mins before leaving." I said

There was nothing much to do in that 3 hour class. We read a little and talked so much. The boy sitting next to me was Kevin. He was actually so funny. I enjoyed talking with him very much.

"Ok class , you may leave now." Dr Samantha said

As soon as I reached hostel I just laid down on my bed like there's no tomorrow.

" Hey , atleast go wash your face" Alice groaned at me.
"No , please I just want to sleep." I moaned and next I remember I woke up at 6 pm.

Beep beep
My phone rang

Message from Mike : Leaving in 15 mins. Meet on ground floor.

Me : Okay , coming.

I got up from bed and went to change my clothes. I wore a red t-shirt and black jeans.

"You going somewhere ?" Veronica asked me when I was tying my hair in a pony.
Zara was also there looking at her phone.

"Yaa , going to buy that oral anatomy's class material with Mike and his friends."

" Hey , I will also come with you. I haven't bought that too."

"Cool , they are leaving in 5 mins."

Zara immediately stood up from her place and said " Wait , I am also coming with u all."

"But .... You just now said that you bought it already." Vee said

"Oh , no , actually I forgot that I don't have ruler" Zara said hesitantly.

Why does Zara behave strange when it comes to Mike ?

"Uh , I will meet you guys on ground floor." She said and left to her room.


Vee and I left our room with mobile in my one hand and wallet in another. Mike , Kevin and boy named Billy were already there on the ground floor.

"Here they are , let's go." Mike said when we approached him.
"Wait , Zara is also coming." I said.

And there she comes flaunting in a long blue dress with perfect combination of eyeliner and lip gloss. Her perfectly long and straight hairs were reaching her waist .

"I am really sorry guys to keep you all waiting." Zara said
"It's fine. Is there anyone else coming ?" Mike asked.
"No , we are good to go." Zara replied.

We went to a stationary shop. I spent most of the time talking to Kevin. I felt a kind of comfortness with him. Vee and Billy were looking good together while Zara kept Mike busy.

"We should hurry now. It's past dinner time. " Zara said
"I thought dinner time was till 10 pm." Mike giggled.
"Yea , it is , but for seniors. For us it's till 8:30 pm." I replied.
"Why are you girls so scared of seniors ?" Billy asked
"Because they are scary." Vee replied.
"Not true. They just want to fiddle around. But trust me they are not bad at heart. If you be good with them , they will be good with you too." Mike said.
"Yaa , we are even friends with some of them." Kevin said.
"They made us stand and shouted at us for like more than 2 hours." I said.
"Just 2 hours." Kevin giggled "We stood whole Sunday night."
"What ? Are you kidding ?" Zara asked.
"It's not that a big deal. They just want to have fun but they will help us also." Billy said.
"Yeah , whatever." Vee replied.


We were on our beds , about to sleep.

"So, Mike likes you." Vee said to me when I tugged my head on a pillow.

" You asking , or telling ?" I said amusingly.

" Don't tell me you didn't notice Mike staring at you the whole time."

" Um... No.... Besides Zara looks good with Mike."

"Hannah , I am talking about shipping You with Mike not about Shipping Mike and Zara."

"Yaa , but , look Mike is cute and all those things , but he is not my type."

"Then , what is your type ?"

"You'll get to know . You know I think Billy is into you"

"Ya , I think so too , but we just met few days ago and I don't want things to go fast."

"Girls are you going to sleep or what , I don't want to be late again." Alice said to us because we were actually talking and not murmuring.

"Sorry Alice , Good night." I chuckled.


The next day went pretty much same till lunch break.
But I went through a big mishap in oral anatomy class.

In cafeteria my order came late , so I became late for the class.

I was standing outside the class , questioning to myself whether to go inside or not because Dr. Robert was already inside ! And remembering yesterday's incident ...... God I don't want to be embarrassed in front of whole class.

When I was busy talking to myself , a clerk came and asked me why I was standing outside. I said I am late on which he gave me a 'so what , it's okay ' look. Before I could do anything , he pushed me inside.

Shit shit shit , that stupid clerk

All the students and Dr. Robert looked at me in amaze.

"So miss late comer. May I know your name please." Dr. Robert said

"It's Hannah Williams .... Sir." I said hesitantly.

"So Miss Hannah , I guess you don't own a watch , am I right ?

"I - I am sorry sir"

"This won't be tolerated again. Go to your seat immediately." He shouted

I went to my seat and sat there. I barely listened to lecture.

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