Chapter 8 - Third Person

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The lecture got over. We shifted to lab and sat at our usual seats. We were given a yellow coloured rectangular wax block and were told to carve an accurate rectangle of 3*3 cm. It was the first time I was holding a carver and it literally took me an hour to hold it properly and use it. While I saw Mike didn't had difficulty in using it , like he was doing it for years. He saw that I am having a problem so he immediately offered to help me.

"Hey look , it's not that difficult. Just hold it like u hold a pen and do it slowly."

"Um... Okay....I am trying"

"Good , you can do it."

"Thanks , Mike."

"Anytime." He smiled.

"Okay class , you have submission of rectangle tomorrow. You may leave now." Dr. Samantha said.

We left the class as the bell rang.


I went to hostel and tried again and again and again , but everytime I failed. I took help from Alice and Teena also but still was unable to do it properly. After accepting defeat I slept without having dinner.

The next day in oral anatomy class :

"I hope you all are ready for submissions. Come serial number wise." Dr . Peter said

"Oh god , I haven't made any. What will I do ? " I cried

"Hey , don't worry , I have an extra one , you can take it."

"Really , thanks Mike , you are a saviour." I took a sigh of relief.

"It's alright. I made one for Kevin too. You know he is too lazy and impatient to do these things." He laughed and Kevin joined him.

We got another assignments to do on wax block and I unable to do so , Mike helped me very much. And he took my help in making some histology diagrams. And Zara was always around Mike , so we made a good trio of Hannah , Mike and Zara.

Mike called me on Saturday evening :

"Hey , what's up ?" He asked

"Nothing much. Just studying." I replied

"Oh , come on , who studies before exams. We are in college now. We only study a night before exam."

"Ohkay , so is there anything you want to tell me ?"

"Yeah , actually I and Zara were thinking to go beach tomorrow , after that we will go to movie also."

"That's cool , you should go."

"No the point is , you are also coming."

"No no no , actually I have lots of things to do tomorrow."

"May I know what things Hannah.

"I have to do the laundry and do some assignments and-"

"Look laundry you can do today , and we don't have to submit any assignments now , so you are free , I don't want any excuses now. Tomorrow morning 8:00 am , okay bye."  And he hung up the call.

It was not like I didn't want to go with them , but you know sometimes I feel like I am coming in BETWEEN THEM. I mean they are good friends and all , actually we all are good friends , but they are more than friends and I don't want to be a third person in their relationship. But of course they will never agree the thing they have with the term 'RELATIONSHIP'.

So I did my laundry as fast as I could and had dinner.

"Hey , we are planning to go shopping tomorrow." Alice said to me with great enthusiasm.

"Oh god , I am really sorry but I already made plans with Mike and Zara." I said

Her enthusiastic face turned down upon hearing me.

"It's okay , you should hang out with people who matter to you." She said

"No , you all matter to me. But he just called and said we are going and I couldn't refuse." I said

"Hey , Alice I am sorry I can't come tomorrow . My dad is coming in the city so I"ll spend whole day with him." Veronica said to Alice.

"And I have to study , so I am not coming too." Teena said.

"I will come with you." Sarah said to Alice.

"No Sarah , you also don't bother . I don't want to go anywhere. And , I will never ever ask you all. Go chill with your friends , family. I am nothing to anyone here." Alice said with her voice breaking like she was about to cry. She went to bed and slept with blanket covering her face.

I felt sorry for her.

I got up at 7:00 am and went to take bath. Since it was Sunday I didn't had to wait for my turn in washroom since everyone else was sleeping.

I wore a long blue dress and kept my hair open and applied lipgloss. I hurried to the ground floor because it was already beyond 8. Mike and Zara were there with their hands intermingled. Upon seeing me , Mike instantly let go of his hand.

"Oh , Hannah you are here." Zara said.

Yaa , I know I should not be disturbing you , but your BOYFRIEND sorry BESTFRIEND forced me to come with you.

"Hey , Zara , hey Mike." I said.

"Hey , Hannah you are late but it's fine , you and your roommates has made it a hobby to go late everywhere." Mike chuckled.

I gave him a 'you are dead' look for few seconds.

"Whatever , I think we should leave now." I said him controlling my anger.

I walked ahead of them since I was not already in the mood to talk and I really felt sorry for Alice plus how did he dare to say anything about my roommates.

"You shouldn't have said that to her." Zara murmured in Mike's ear.
"But I was just kidding" he said.
"Did you tell her about change in the plan ?
"Oops , I forgot."

Mike increased his speed to walk with me.

"Um , Hannah , there is a change in plan." He said to me.
"What ? " I asked.
"We are going for a trek."
"What ? You kidding ? How will I trek in this long dress ?" I asked furiously.
"Woo woo calm down. We just decided in the morning." He said.
"But u should have told me."
"Come on , it's not that a big deal."
"Yaa , it's not."

What a great start to day.

And then the climate also decided to not be in my favour.

It started raining. Can you believe it. Trekking that too in a long dress and in this weather with all the mud and slime. I would have loved to sleep on my bed whole day long with my blanket embracing me and a tasty hot soup.

I felt very lonely instead of being with them. Zara kept Mike busy in talking and all I could do was listen to them . But what the worst part was , they had a little argument over some thing and Zara didn't talk to him whole way back.

Although I managed to click some pictures and sent it to my mom.

We went back to hostel and I was tired as hell.

"So how was your day ? " Sarah asked as soon as I reached to my bed

"It was hell of a day. I am really pissed , it would be much better if I went to shopping with you guys. By the way what's up with Alice ? Is she good ?"

"Yaa , I mean she threw some tantrums and Teena and Alice had a bad fight , but instead of that everything is fine."

"God , should I talk to Alice ? " I asked Sarah

"Don't even think of doing that. Right now she is like a time bomb which can blast any second."

"Hmm .... So it seems better to just be quiet today."

Author's note :
I don't know how this story is going but your views and comments means a lot to me. Please guys do tell me how's the story going and next update will be done soon.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2020 ⏰

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