Chapter 4 - Introduction Time

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I finished talking with mom and cut the call.
"Hey let's go for dinner, I am really hungry" Teena told me.
"Okay, let's go , I am hungry too" I said
"Are you guys coming ? " She asked others.
"Yup , I was waiting for dinner " Alice said.
"I am not hungry , you guys go " Veronica said.
"But you should eat something , you haven't eaten since morning." Tee said with care in her eyes.
"No really , I am not hungry at all , you guys carry on " V said .
"Okay , fine. What about you Sarah and Diana ?"
"Coming" . Both said at a time and looked at each other with amusement.

We went to the first floor. There was canteen there. I saw some boys serving food to people. People were standing in the queue waiting for their turn. We joined the queue.

Soon our number came. There was a man who was probably in mid 40s , with spectacles. He was looking at me with slight confusion.

"She is new , just came today." Teena said to him before he could ask me anything.

"Hello , I am the chief caterer here , you can call me Rubert. You have to register your name in this book and have to pay monthly fee for canteen".
"Okay , but I haven't brought money now" I said.
"It's fine , you can pay tomorrow but no longer than that" he said.
"Thanks , Mr.Rubert , I will pay tomorrow."
He handed me a book and I wrote my name in it and they served us dinner.
We sat on the table and started eating.

"I don't know why take so much money from us and cannot provide with mouthwatering mouth." Alice groaned . Her face looked as she is really not satisfied with the food.
" Ya , but we don't have other option" Teena said.

We finished the dinner . And went to our room. I was unpacking my stuff.

"Oh God , not again !!" Alice shouted.
"What happened ?" Teena asked
"Seniors have called us in their room for intro again" Alice was looking very hurt while saying this.
"God , when is this drama is going to get over ? " Veronica groaned and rolled her eyes.
"Excuse me , will anyone tell me what's going on ? " I asked with complete surprise
Teena stared at me for a while as to thinking how to tell me.
She looked at me straight into my eyes and said " Look , it's nothing scary , but everyone has to go this phase , "The Introduction Phase" she said calmly.
"And what exactly is that ?" I asked still not sure of what she is talking about.
"Look we are juniors here" she started explaining "and we have seniors."
"Stupid dreary seniors who just wants to shit the scare of us." Sarah interrupted in between.
"Sarah let me complete" Teena said with frustration.
"Okay so I was saying that we have seniors and we have to go introduce ourselves to them and basically do anything what they want us to do." She completed.

I stared at her for a while and gave her a look which says ' I clearly understand what you are talking about' "Is ragging really a thing here ?" I asked. "This is not ragging exactly" Alice said and continued "They say that in this way we will interact with seniors and become friends with them."
"But why the hell we have to be friends with them ?" Sarah interrupted again. Actually that was my question to ask.
"Because this is the way it is , this is like the ritual which is going on here from many years. The juniors have to introduce to seniors and do whatever they say and let's not forget we'll also be seniors next year." Teena said to Sarah. "I won't do anything like this with my juniors." The words stumbled out of my mouth and everyone smirked.

"Okay, we should be get going otherwise they will punish us for coming late." Said Veronica and we nodded. "We have to go to room no.802 on 8th floor. Come fast, I am calling the lift." Alice left after saying.

The lift came and we went. My face still full of horror and excitement as well. "Hey don't be scared , it's gonna be fine." Sarah said to me with one hand on my right shoulder.
"Besides , you are the new girl , no one will ask you anything , I should be the one to be scared." This is the first time Diana spoke to me.
Why should she be scared.  She would have faced it many times. She should be used to it.

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