Chapter 5 - All that glitters is not gold

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"Shit , we are late for college" Alice groaned.
"What time is it now ?" Vee asked
"Past 7:30 am ." Alice answered.
"We need at least 45 minutes to go through metro " Teena informed me.
"So what are we gonna do ? " I asked
" Let's go by cab , just this time." Vee pleaded
"No , it's out of my budget " . Alice shaked her head
"Please just this time. It won't cost much. We will share the fair." Sarah said
"Please" I said to Alice with puppy face
"Okay fine , it's your first day so , but this is the last time." Alice said

We left from our room and went to the ground floor through stairs as lift would take time to come. Then we walked a little till we found cabs.

"Shit man , this traffic !! It's already past 8:00 am " Sarah cried
"What can we do now ? We should have left earlier. " Tee said.
" Yeah Tee is right. You all waited for me and got late " I said with my eyes down.

Yes , actually it was my fault. I woke up at 7:00 am (instead of 6:00am ) and since there was only one bathroom for six girls we had to use it accordingly. Everyone got up before me and so I was the last to use bathroom plus I took probably more time than Sarah and Vee but not more than Teena. As much as I remember Alice was shouting at Teena because she took more than half an hour in the bathroom . Diana was just out of all this. She washed her face with facewash and changed clothes. So we are sitting in the cabs now. I am with Teena and Sarah in one can while Alice , Vee and Diana are in another cab.

"It's okay Hannah , we are friends and friends are there in both good and bad times." Teena said with a smile

We reached college at 8:15 am. The class had already started.

"You go inside first " Alice whispered to Teena. "You are her favourite"
"No way , I am not going first . Instead I think Hannah should go first. She is new so Dr. Yutaha won't scold at her." Teena said and looked at me. They all pleaded me to go inside first.

I went tip toes inside the classroom
"You are late." A woman standing near the whiteboard wearing yellow blouse and blue skirt said to me. Her face was towards the board. I guessed she was Dr. Yutaha.

"I am sorry Ma'am." She turned to look at me.
"I've never seen you before in this class . Are you new admission ? " She asked
" Yes ma'am." I said sounding scared.
"It's okay , come in." She said to me in a calm voice.
" May we come in ma'am " Teena asked Dr. Yutaha . All others were standing behind Teena with their heads down.
"Come in girls. You are good students . You shouldn't be late and doctors need to be punctual" she said with a smile.

We went inside. All other students were staring at us. Tee and others sat at their allotted seats while I was finding an empty seat for me. There was an empty seat next to Zara. She said me to sit with her. I went to sit with her. There was a boy sitting on the right side of Zara.

Dr. Yutaha was teaching about blood , RBCs , WBCs and Platelets.

"Which subject class is this ?" I asked Zara
"This is Physiology." she replied
"Oh okay ." I said

I listened to rest of the lecture. The boy sitting next to Zara was gazing at me again and again and I got distracted by him. His hair was black and had brown eyes. I ignored him straightaway.

1 hour passed.

"So students this is it . I hope you understood today's lecture. Your practicals will start by 9:30 am. Dr. Melvin will conduct your practicals. We will meet again on Tuesday at sharp 8:00 am."
And with this she left. We were packing our stuff.

"The lecture was quite boring". That boy yawned while saying this.
"No it wasn't , right Hannah ?" Zara asked me.
"Yaa , you are right. See ya " I said and left with other batchmates towards the practical lab.

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