Chapter 2 - The Big Decision

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I was somewhere in the forest, walking through the dense trees. This place was not familiar but I was feeling a kind of comfortness there. Suddenly I heard the sound "thump , thump " , maybe a large animal is coming to attack me , maybe an elephant or a gorilla. I started running but I felt down on the floor. What ? The floor ? So I was dreaming and someone was knocking at the door. I got up and watched the time. Oh crap, it's been 4 hours since I was sleeping. It's 6:00 pm and I remember coming home at around 2:00 pm .

Who in the world sleeps this much in afternoon ? Yayy Me !

The banging on door increased. I went and open the door. There stood a man with a big moustache and wearing a blue shirt. His dark brown eyes were gazing at me as if I owe him something.

"Hi dad , you are back. " I said.
"What's wrong with you Hannah ? I've been banging at the door since last 20 minutes . What were you doing " he asked.
"I was asleep dad , sorry for that. Btw when did u come and where's mom ? I said.

"I came at 4 pm in afternoon. Mom is at your aunt's home. She was little stressed so Samantha went to cheer her up. I came here to tell you that dinner is ready. Come downstairs." He said
"Ya , I am coming." I said and he left.

I was still feeling drained after sleeping for 4 hours. Maybe it was because of countless sleepless nights before exams. I decided to take bath.

My dad is a businessman. He owns a company of consumer goods services. He went to a meeting in Oklahama with my younger brother Harry and just came back today.

I finished my bath and went downstairs. Dad and Harry were watching football match on TV. Although Harry is younger than me he is taller. His figure is like a model who could melt any girl but he didn't have any girlfriend. I don't know why . He looked at me and waved 'hi' .
I waved back saying 'hey'.

Mom came back . "Sorry I am late , your aunt was so stressed. I couldn't leave her like that." She said.

"It's ok honey , come let's have dinner " dad said.

We sat on the dining table . It feels pretty good when my whole family eats together. I was thinking about how far I would go from them to study. I will miss them. "Hannah, pass the steaks " mom said and I was distracted from my rhoughts. I passed it to my mom. We talked a lot then . I asked Harry about school and friends. Dad asked about my exams.

After some days it was my result. My future was to be decided. Variety of thoughts were giing on in my mind. Where would I go ? Would I get admission in the college I want ? Would I be able to live away from home ? Would mom be happy ? And lots more.

I got to know that I got admission in the second best dental college. Well , I wanted medical but since that was out of range (thanks to physics) I was having second thoughts on that. Dental wasn't really my thing . Like I didn't wanted to study just about the 32 teeth in mouth, I wanted to study whole human body. But as I said that was out of my range so I accepted the admission. My parents also agreed . My mom was not so happy but she agreed.

But to my shock , I got another letter from the first and best dental college. I was really shocked. Is it really happening. But that was the city in which I always wanted to live. That city was so far away from my house that my father first didn't wanted to send me there but our family doctor made him understand and he finally agreed.

So it was done. The big decision of my life was made. I was going to study in the city I wanted but not the same college. But it's ok I will survive with that.

Author's note :
I know these two chapters are boring but trust me next chapters will be interesting. Ok I will give you all a hint. It's about Hannah living in a big city alone. How will she cope up with it ?

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