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The two girls had finally made it to Jennie's trailer and were now getting styled. Jennie was getting her hair and makeup done, while Rosé was getting her dress tailored to fit her waist.

"How is it even possible for someone to have this small of a waist?" her stylist sounded frustrated.

"I'm sorry?" Rosé apologized, though it came out more as a question.

Jennie laughed at the two. Her makeup artist chuckled as well.

"Eyes closed," her makeup artist said as she heated up the eyelash curler. Jennie shut her eyes.

"So," the older woman said, "is she gonna be a keeper?"

Jennie laughed. "What do you think, Maeng?"

"I think she's sweet," Maeng said. "Way too sweet for you."

"I agree," Jennie said. "She plays hard to get, too."

"Bet that just makes you want her even more."

"You know me so well."

"Okay!" the stylist finally said. "We're all done, Ms. Park."

"You can call me Roseanne," Rosé smiled. "Thank you so much."

"You two are ready to go," Maeng said as she finished up Jennie's makeup.

Joshua and Lisa walked into the room.

"Carpet is in five," Joshua said. "Let's go. Quickly."

Jennie stood from her seat and grabbed Rosé's hand. The two left the trailer and Lisa and Joshua followed close behind. Lisa quickly caught up to the two and gave Jennie a questioning look. Jennie just smiled.

Lisa shook her head and sped up her walking. She had to get on the carpet before them, anyway.

"Are you nervous?" Jennie asked.

Rosé jumped at the sudden question. "Oh," she said. "Maybe a little. I've never done this before."

"It's nothing insane," Jennie tried to reassure the girl. "All you do is pose and smile while they yell stuff at you."

"You don't stop for questions?"

"This isn't the Teen Choice Awards, Roseanne," the olde girl joked. "Questions come later. We're about to walk on, so take a deep breath. Squeeze my hand if you get nervous."

"Okay," Rosé said quietly.

The two walked onto the carpet and and the camera's started flashing. Rosé was taken aback, but tried not to let it show. Jennie wrapped her arm around the girl's waist and pulled her closer.

"You're a natural," Jennie chuckled lowly.

"Hardly," Rosé smiled.

The younger girl turned to look at Jennie, only to find that she was staring at her the entire time.

"You're staring," she said.

"I'm gazing," the older girl defended herself.

"It's creepy," Rosé turned to look away.

Jennie grabbed her face, keeping her from looked away. She smiled at the girl. "It's romantic," she said before bringing her in for a kiss.

Rosé smiled, placing her hand on the side of Jennie's face. When they pulled away from each other, she unintentionally peeked over Jennie's shoulder and saw a man staring at her. It took her a while to realize who it was.


He had this sad look on his face and Rosé couldn't help but give him a pity smile. He gave her a soft smile back and went on his way with his head down.

"Are you okay?" Jennie asked, studying the girl's face. "You look sad."

"I'm fine," Rosé said. "Let's get this thing over with."

"Of course, princess."

The two made their way down the red carpet and into the venue. As soon as they walked in, Lisa immediately found them.

"Code red. Coming straight at you," she whispered into Jennie's ear.

The model looked up and saw Kai coming straight for her.

She let out a sigh and ran her hand through her hair. The boy stopped in front of her, but he wasn't looking at her. He was, in fact, looking at Rosé. Yet, Jennie didn't seem so notice.

"Jongin," Jennie said. "How've you been?"

Kai turned his attention towards her, looking her up and down. He had an expression none of the girl's could read on his face. He stared at Jennie for a moment until looking back at Rosé.

"Hello, beautiful," he grabbed her hand, bringing it to his lips for a kiss. "I saw you on the red carpet, and I could only wonder why a sweet thing like you would be kissing someone as evil as Jennie Kim."

"Evil," Jennie chuckled. "That was funny. Did you come up with it yourself?"

"Can I get your name?" Kai ignored the girl.

Rosé glanced up at Jennie, who simply shrugged.

"Roseanne," she said, softly.

"Roseanne," he let the girl's name roll off of his tongue.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" Jennie commented.

Kai looked at her with hatred and a tiny hint of sadness in his eyes. "Well, Roseanne," he said, still looking at Jennie. "Be sure to protect yourself. Especially around Jennie."

He walked off and Jennie rolled her eyes.

"I broke his heart months ago," she sounded annoyed. "You'd think he'd be over it by now."

"Why'd you break up with him?" Rosé asked.

Jennie looked at the girl and gave her a smug smile.

"I was bored."


a/n: yikes. maybe the rumors are true 😳

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