Fifth Year

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Leilani's POV

This year is probably going to be the same as the last. I'm still stuck in this time and I'm not back to my own. I know that Dumbledore could get me back but he's not! He's getting really suspicious. On top of that, I'll be starting my OWLs! Then there's also Potter! He's still flirting with me! When would he give up? I hate turning him down! It makes me feel like I did something bad! I feel guilty! But it's wrong! He will end up with another... I should be happy about that...? But the thought of him flirting with another is also eating me up from inside. What's wrong with me?!

I want to go home. I want to see my friends. I want my dad. Mostly, I need Harry. He was always there when I needed him. He made me feel stronger, braver and happier. I just want to see him even if it was only one glance.

"Will you go to Hogsmeade with me?" Of course it was Potter.

I wanted to say yes. I wanted to say no. I wanted to yell the bloody truth.

I didn't reply. He then said, "it's okay. I get it if you don't want to go."

He looked so sad. It pained me to reject him.

"Yes. I will go to Hogsmeade with you." I blurted out. Great, what did I get my self into.

He looked overjoyed.

"Great, I will pick you up at 18:00 (six o'clock)" He says as he winked at me.

Leilani Lupin's time twistWhere stories live. Discover now