James malfunctioning

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"Waaaaaaaa?" James spluttered.

"I definitely regret say that." Harry regretted.

"And I definitely regret introducing the both of you to each other." Leilani added.

"Technically, you still would introduce us to each other when I'm born." Harry mumbles sarcastically.

Leilani heard this and went bright red. She started to melt from embarrassment. It's not everyday you get reminded by your future son that you created them, then introduced them to your future husband.

"Harry!" Leilani chided feeling very embarrassed.

Finally the mother and son noticed James blinking really slowly. "Ummmmmmm........ Gahhhhhhh? Beeeeeeep.......... errrrrrrrorrrrrrr? Uhhhhhhhhhhhh........ Huuuuuuhh?" James blabbed extremely confused.

"James? Are you okay?" Leilani asked.

James went berserk.




"What on Earth is dad doing?" Harry asked.

"James? James? James?! Merlin's beard you're scaring the cr*p out of me!" Leilani says.

"Ummmm.....Gah?! Malfunctioning... Prepare for shutdown.... Boom!"

The empty Griffindor common room became a mess.

"How will I explain this to Mcgonagall?!"

Sorry for not updating sooner. It's just the coronavirus is really distracting me. I am just too terrified, which caused me to forget nearly everything so yeah. Sorry again.

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