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Dumbledore's POV

I shouldn't have told Emily about this world. She is in the evil house. friends with evil people. She's going dark. I need to have her as a pawn, not an independent warrior. I'm starting to lose the Weasley's trust. It's all the girl's fault. I must get rid of her. Otherwise the light will lose.

Emily's POV

It's so obvious that Dumbledore wants me tightly under his thumb. I'm not stupid. I'm starting to suspect Granger. She's so..... loyal to the old coot. I'm gonna need someone on this. Maybe Dobby? He seems reliable.

Oh what's that bright light?

"Oh dear you've been unconscious for a whole day! You scared the daylights out of me when you came! What is Dumbledore thinking?! Inviting you to Hogwarts at age of nine. Especially with the Dementors! Here some chocolate." Madam Pomfrey fussed.

"Yeah! Chocolate! I like that stuff!" I blurted out childishly. Then I blushed and looked down sheepishly. "Sorry."

"You've got nothing to apologize about dear. Finally good to have someone listening to my instructions."

I ate the chocolate quickly and was slightly disappointed that there wasn't more. I shrugged.

"Emily! Don't you scare us like that again!" Luna scolded me. I looked shocked.

"Who are you and what have you done to my bestfriend?" I asked.

"Nothing. It is really Luna Em. But please don't scare us like that." Dray begged.

"Oh no, something is wrong with both of you." I reply sarcastically.

"Same as ever Em." Draco rolled his eyes.

"Are you discharged?" Luna asked.

"No, but do you have my homework?"

"How are you not in Ravenclaw?" Draco looked bewildered.

"Because I chose to be in Slytherin to prove that we like are emblem are misunderstood. If no one can see past the emblem on our robes, they can go frick themselves."

"What a great explanation." Lu applauded.

"Emily?" My mum opened the door unsurely.

"Hi mum. I missed you." I reach out to touch my mother to see if it was real. I let down my tears roll down my cheeks. I relive her death in my dreams all the time. I wish I didn't have a memory as good as mine. If only I was normal.

"I'm sorry." My mum told me.

"Don't be. I wasn't alone." I glanced my friends. They seem to understand what we were going through.

"You're so small. Did you eat enough? You know that you and Harry are twins right?"

"I'm smaller than Harry because I'm nine. I was stuck in a time stasis. I do eat enough. Death kept me alive. He is kind to those who are kind to him."

Then my mum and friends stared at me. Oh dam that's confusing I guess.
I gave them the it's hard to explain look.

"Is dad and Sirius okay? Did my spell work? Is Pettigrew still petrified?" I changed the topic.

"Your dad and Sirius is freed. And your spell on Pettigrew saved them from the dementors kiss."

I was speechless. Everything is going go be normal. Mum's back, dad's free and so is Sirius.

Life couldn't be better if you have terrible luck.

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