Emily's story part 1

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Emily's POV

I'm Emily Leilani Potter. I was left at the orphanage when I was one and a few months. The orphanage didn't treat me well. They would torture me in every way possible. My parents are dead, I could remember everything. It is too clear. Even magic doesn't explain this. You heard me, magic. Maybe you don't know. I'm a witch, this year is my first year at Hogwarts. It was ruined by dementors. On the train I was sitting with my supposedly twin and his friends. Yeah, Harry Potter is my twin, he doesn't know that. I could remember being in the realm of the dead. When Mr. Moldy attacked us on Halloween, my brother survived the spell and it rebounded, but before it hit the mouldy voldy, it hit my wrist. My brother has light magic the spell had dark magic, so I was exposed to two different shades of magic which led to me having a grey core. Dumb-old-door (that was what my mum called that old meddlesome coot) has attempted to strip my magic. He nearly exceeded. Death was a kindhearted man. He kept my core from crushing me and protected my magic from the meddling fool. Even still, there was a price. I was trapped in time. Death raised me and trained me until I could escape the time stasis. Which I did soon. The old door found out and placed me in an orphanage so he could mold me into a weapon for the light. In the orphanage, I try not to use my magic on the brainless bullies. I developed a reputation for being the smart and quiet kid. I'd always hear people saying I'm like Tom Riddle, an orphan that used to live at my orphanage. Anyways, I'd always be like why am I compared to a noseless dude. Answer : IDK. Back to the point, the old door and another Professor called Professor Snape came for me and told me about Hogwarts and the wizarding world. When they realized I had a lot in common with the noseless animal (voldy duh) Dumbles used leglimency on me. I raised my barriers and glared at him. Professor Snape looked surprised that the old door stumbled back when I glared. I decided to go shopping myself 'cause I could tell Professor looked uncomfortable in my presence. He seems to recognize me or something but couldn't place where I looked familiar. Maybe he knew my mum, I was an exact replica of my mum. Except my hair, I had brown curly hair, I'm not so sure where I got the curly brown hair from. Maybe my grandfather, I'm quite sure that he had something similar. I also noticed I was always addressed as Ms. Leilani. Instead of my last name I was addressed by my middle name.
Then when I reached the train station I met many Weasleys one Granger, my mum (she told us about her being in the past as bedtime stories), a Granger and my now two years older twin brother. I knew the Weasely girl didn't like me and I think my brother did too. He offered for me to sit with them. We only sat with a teacher. The four were having an interesting conversation while I was reading. I was reading grade seven defensive spells even though it was beyond my age level. I remember both of my grandmothers were like that. The teacher was.... my grandfather. A dementor came in. It started feasting on my brother and mum. I couldn't just sit there so I stood up gripping my ten inches Basilisk scale/Phoenix feather willow wand. I yelled the incantation, "Expecto Patronum!"

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