Dog and the stag

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Harry's POV

It was done. Buckbeak is dead. It's over. I wished we didn't argue over a stupid broom and stupid rat, we could've saved Buckbeak. That's reality isn't it? Greed always gets the best of us and we forget what's really important.

"Ah! Scabbers! He bit me!"

Ron ran after Scabbers.

He tripped while catching the rat and was at the roots of the whomping (sp?) willow.

"Ron!" I warned pointing behind him.

"Harry, Hermione! It's  the grim!" Ron warned us in return pointing behind us.

"Ron lookout! There's a stag charging towards you!" Hermione warned.

A warning competition. Always nice to think of silly things when you're gonna die.

"Maybe the dog and the stag are fighting...?" Ron said sounding hopeful.

The dog and the stag started rolling over like they were laughing. Is this Malfoy's idea of fun? Maybe he's doing something like the dementor prank. Or maybe the twins...

"Ahh!" We screamed in unison as the grim dragged us into the entrance to the shrieking shack.

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