Chapter One

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As Addison stared out at the crowd watching the cheerleaders go through another routine she began to wonder is this really where she belonged. Every day she felt like she going through the motions of being what everyone else wanted her to be. Trying to be the perfect daughter to her parents. The perfect girlfriend to Zed. The perfect cheerleader and friend. When all she wanted to do is scream and run away from it all. "I just want to find where I belong and be completely accepted for me not what everyone else thinks I should be. The only part of myself that is completely me is my hair. I am glad I  no longer hide it under a wig. I know it upsets my parents but it's the one part of my life I have complete control over", Addison thought to herself. Her thoughts and cheer routine were rudely interrupted when everyone started screaming "Werewolves" at the top of their lungs. As Addison turned around to see what all the commotion was about  she laid eyes on the most beautiful man or should I say werewolf she had ever seen. It was like time stood still at that moment. Addison never had feelings stir in her like this for anyone else not even Zed.
Maybe, he has the answers she was looking for?

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