Chapter Five

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Addison could tell something was defiantly on Zed's mind after the werewolves crashed the pep rally. He barely said two words to her until they parted ways. Zed was heading to football practice and Addison to cheer. Zed leaned over to give Addison a stiff hug as he mumbled "Text me after cheer if you want." Addison knew deep down she should have been more worried about the way Zed was acting or even asked him if he was okay. The problem was she couldn't stop thinking about the werewolf that she laid her eyes upon. She kept picturing his chiseled face with those beautiful golden eyes. Addison knew she wanted to get to know everything she could about him starting with his name.
As Addisin walked into cheer practice Bree ran up on her and excitedly exclaimed "Oh my god Addison what do you think of werewolves joining our school? So do you think they are nice or are they going to attack us when we don't expect it?" Addison finally had to grab her hands and told her "Bree first you need to breathe. Second, let's give them a chance like we did the zombies. Who knows they could be really decent werewolves we don't know unless we give them a chance." Bree started giggling like a little school girl. "Why are you laughing?" Addison asked in a confused tone. "You are probably only saying that because everyone at school is talking about how you and that cute male werewolf were looking at each other like you guys were ready to kiss or rip each other clothes off, " Bree giggled out. Addison starred at Bree for a moment with her mouth gaping open not knowing what to say to that. That's when they both  realised that the werewolves were sitting on the bleachers watching them as they spoke to each over. Addison started blushing and praying in her head that they couldn't hear hes and Brees conversation.

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