written april 05, 2019
and revised may 03, 2020
dedicated to l.m.you're a token child,
a poster child;
i'm sorry i never will be.with ratty red hair
and acne like fire;
i scare everybody away from me.no coins to my name,
nobody else to blame,
i take all the pain and i don't push it on other people like you do, unfortunately.mom's token child,
some poster child;
how come you're so mean?with your model walk,
a catwalk you stroll with heels
and you stab them into the eyes of people like me, unforgivingly.no kindness to your name,
everybody takes your blame,
you don't hold your pain and you use it to shove us down beneath your feet.what a token child,
fake poster child;
you're cruel as can be.what happened,
what made you this way?
what made you turn to cruelty?i don't know how anybody can deal with you.