#1 "Veni, vidi, vici"

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Disclaimer: The first chapter might have turned out a bit more introductory but it will get better. I hope you enjoy :))

edit: it sounds too long and boring when I constantly say that her bangs and strands of hair change their colour so i'll refer to it as only 'hair'


It was the first day of second year for class 1 - now 2A of UA High School. The sakura trees were blooming and there was a lingering smell of spring in the air. Shouta Aizawa strotted to the place behind his desk and stared at his students. When everyone finally noticed him the chatter stopped. Twenty smiling faces were looking at him. Everyone was excited for the beginning of the school year.

"Hello, class A. I'm very happy to see you again." he started with his usual weary tone. "Today I have very exciting news!" He could care less. He hadn't had much sleep because of a villain and all the pointless babble didn't feel very crucial to him. "As you may have noticed, we have added a new student desk to the room and rearranged the others in three rows of seven. That is because a new student will be joining us this year." He watched as the class filled with murmurs. The children's faces showed different emotions, but most of all excitement. "She told me beforehand she'll be running late to finish unpacking in the dorms but she'll be here shortly. Since we know how important teamwork is for heroes, today you'll be getting to know her. You only have classes with me and then practice with All Might so you're allowed to use all the time you need." I'm not in the mood to teach you, idiots, he almost said "Be nice. I'm talking to you, Bakugo." The teacher couldn't help himself as he slit into his sleeping bag and his breathing gradually decreased. He let the students discuss the unexpected news.

"That's so cool!" Ochako Uraraka enthusiastically commented as the rest agreed. Even timid Todoroki's attention was caught.

"I can't wait to see what type of person she is!" Midoriya added with the same amount of enthusiasm.

"I hope she's a strong character we can learn from!" Iida said with a smile.

"I hope—"

"I'm hoping there's finally someone who can keep up with me!" Bakugo shouted, full of himself as always, as Kirishima hit him lightly. It was at that second that a curvy figure appeared at the doorway.

"Very threatening! I hope you keep up with me, mister!"

The new girl was grinning widely. Twenty heads turned into her direction with curiosity, some of them utterly shocked by her response to Baku.

"My name's Daina, Daina Murakami" she continued. "but for anyone as sweet as you I'll go by Dani."

Despite having had little time to dress, the uniform hugged her body like she'd been born in it and her curves could fill little Mineta's mouth with drool. Her stance seemed the tiniest bit alerted as if she wasn't sure what to expect of her new environment.

Being new wouldn't stop her from being sassy though, that was unlike her.

Her piercing blue eyes scanned the room full of friendly, but also some uncertain faces. Everyone started talking over each other, introducing themselves to her and asking questions. She answered all of them with a huge smile.

Of course, the one person triggered by her appearance was Bakugo.

"WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE? HOW DARE YOU QUESTION ME? DO YOU WANT TO DIE? YOU'RE LUCKY YOU'RE A GIRL!" as expected he looked to be about a second away from having smoke come out of his ears. Kiri and Kaminari were ready to hold him if needed.

"I mean I wouldn't say lucky, being a girl isn't always a walk in the park but I don't see how that's relevant." she hated when people said that as some sort of way to undermine her. "What's your name, Grumpy?" Dani asked still very much grinning.

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