#6 "Winds of change"

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Color code for Daina's hair: green - jealous; blue - channeling her quirk; purple - afraid; red - angry; pink - flustered; orange - happy; blonde - confused; white - asleep; grey - sad; brown - tired.


After the whole fiasco with All Might and her breakdown, – of which Daina generally refused to speak - she felt really horrible. It wasn't even because of the event itself but everyone's reactions as well - the others had started treating her like a glass figure about to break any second. Todoroki's attitude hadn't changed though, neither had Midoriya or Asui's so she felt like only talking to those three for a little while. She got a lot closer with Asui – the frog girl was much more interesting than she appeared.

Thinking about the way Todo hugged her made her feel all mushy. It had shifted something; even though Daina had realized long ago she wasn't completely indifferent when it came to him. It was something else though, the fact that he'd gone after her and stayed until she was alright.

She liked the way they were with each other - they visited each other's rooms from time to time, they talked about all kinds of things and they hung out and that was even before the latest happenings.

The best thing was he didn't seem to be like that around everyone. It was like the real Todo behind the nonchalant façade was a hidden treasure that only she was able to reach and the thought made her smile like a kid at Christmas.

The day after the fiasco the two were talking in the common room. It was a light-hearted conversation, mostly because Dannie didn't feel like going deep at the moment. Then suddenly the rest of the class started piling in. They really tried not to make it obvious – they really did, but she was no fool. It would be a question here and there, a reassuring smile out of nowhere that just screamed protectiveness.

She couldn't stand it.

If there was one thing she absolutely despised it was feeling lesser. Helpless. In need of someone else's protection. She felt it before; she associated many of her worst memories with that very feeling.

All of a sudden after another comment about how she "is a really incredible girl" it just became too much. It was like Daina's throat closed up and all the air in the room was sucked off. She couldn't breathe; the girl stumbled when she stood up and went to her room without a word.

She wanted to cry again.

She hated this so much it made her stomach turn.

Todoroki had run after her and was now standing in her doorway.

"I don't want to be seen as weak. I can't even look myself in the mirror. I don't want to become everything I tried so hard to escape. I'm not a pushover anymore, not a crybaby and certainly not someone who needs everyone to worry about them all the time." The words flowed out of her mouth before she could stop them. The boy had already closed the door and was sitting on the bed beside her.

"I don't want it – any of it. I can't believe it's like I've ruined everything I stood for. I—" her breath hitched and she felt traitorous tears escape her eyes, opposing everything she just said.

Todoroki put his arm around her shoulders.

He was the only person whose help didn't make Dani feel uncomfortable – she felt safe in his arms.

Like she belonged there.

There was a short pause before he stared intently into her eyes.

"You of all people are not weak" it sounded like such a simple fact out of his mouth. Like she was an idiot not to believe it.

And so she did.

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