#10 "Fall from grace"

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Color code for Daina's hair: green - jealous; blue - channeling her quirk; purple - afraid; red - angry; pink - flustered; orange - happy; blonde - confused; white - asleep; grey - sad; brown - tired.


Daina was glad she had the chance to just be alone with her thoughts for a second.

She really felt a certain hatred for her quirk.

It gave her a chance to take a peek into someone's mind, but some people don't like it when someone else is in their head.

She had always been like that, careless and tactless. A terrible combination for someone who deals with the human psyche but it couldn't be helped; she'd tried.

If only she'd stayed silent from the beginning, Kirishima wouldn't hate her and she wouldn't have hurt him. That was all but a dream.

Daina didn't realize the exact moment when she started crying. She didn't even feel her hand when she reached for her pocket, pulled out her phone and dialed Shinso's number. She didn't know how much time had passed until he was hugging her – the concept of everything felt blurred.

"Shhhh, it's quite alright." He murmured. Shinso wasn't normally good with people, but he thought what Daina was feeling couldn't be that far away from his own experiences. The heroine had been vague in her phonecall, but she's mentioned she "should have been born quirkless" which spoke volumes to a person like him.

"I'm really sorry I made you sneak out." Daina weeped quietly, thankful that she had the boy's support, her hands thuggin on his shirt, followed by a soft "It's okay."

Time passed but neither of them spoke. Shinso was waiting for the girl to talk; he wasn't going to push her to if she didn't feel comfortable.

"I accidentally learnt something about Kirishima and he hated it...And now I did it again and he said all these horrible things, which I know are true. I don't know what to do. Overstepping boundaries isn't something I do on purpose but when I know I'm ready to be genuine with someone I immediately think it's the same for them but I'm wrong, so often I'm so, so wrong..." he tears had dried up but her hair was still gray. "How can I become a heroine if I hurt people like that?"

"Everyone has troubles handling their quirk." The boy's words were simple but honest. "You'll get the hang of it. I mean, look at me – everyone told me my power would be perfect for a villain, yet here I am in hero course."

The girl straightened her posture and looked at the marvelous view from the roof; the boy's hand was still around her neck in a protective manner.

"I...you're right. Thank you for that."

"I know I didn't really chase away your insecurities with two sentences, Daina-chan. I am neither a magician, nor a fool. But you will get used to it and it will get better – I promise." His transparency nearly made her tear up again. Dani was glad to have a friend like him; he felt like a big brother.

"You ready to go downstairs? Cause if not I can still hang a bit before Vlad comes here to murder me." Shinso chuckled.

"Just a few more minutes, please. And thank you for coming, I know you had to go around the teachers and all that. I appreciate it, really."

"You'd do the same." And with that they were silent once more.


Soon enough, Daina and Shinso went downstairs to the common room. The others must not have seen him climb up to the roof because the ones who were in the room seemed surprised by his presence.

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