#8 "One thing and the other"

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Color code for Daina's hair: green - jealous; blue - channeling her quirk; purple - afraid; red - angry; pink - flustered; orange - happy; blonde - confused; white - asleep; grey - sad; brown - tired.


Tsuyu Asui wasn't naturally much of a talker. It wasn't that she didn't like talking, she just did it only when she had something to say.

She didn't instantly stand out to Daina when our heroine first began studying at UA High, but there was something about the frog girl that later on caught Dani's interest.

On any given occasion, Asui's first thoughts would revolve around the well-being of everyone present. She was caring, persistent, strong and she did amazing under pressure. She had all the qualities of a good leader yet no one seemed to notice her as one.

Sure they did, but they didn't really hype her. And when it came to Bakugo or Todoroki you could hear all types of comments all the time; Midoriya as well. Those three were basically urban legends.

So one night about two weeks into the school year, Murakami decided that she wanted to be friends with the mystery that was Asui. She knocked on the door to her room and the girl let her inside, curious.

"What's up?"

"Not much, I just thought we could hang out if that's okay?"

"Yeah, sure, why not."

Just as Daina had predicted, Asui turned out to be a lot more fun than she let on. She would laugh a lot and make on-point commentary about everything. Her fashion style was pretty adorable too, with grass green and peach as the primary palette. She had a lot of short jeans and coats and a lot of cool T-shirts that she let Daina wear.

They started hanging out a lot after that.

Dani had only mentioned Todoroki to a single person and that was Tsuyu Asui.

It was another night that they were hanging in the frog's room when every girl's favorite topic came up – boys.

"Hey, Tsuyu-chan, I wanted to ask you something" Daina was doodling in her notebook on the desk and the other girl was laying on a bean bag,

"Sure, go ahead."

"Is there anything between you and Tokoyami? I dunno, because I seem to see you two together a lot but it's hard for me to pick up the vibe for some reason."

Asui stayed silent for a second or two and then burst out laughing.

"What? What is it, what'd I say? You two related or something?"

"DAINA I'M GAY. VERY GAY." Tsuyu had doubled over laughing at Dani's facial expression. Soon both of them were giggling.

"OKAY HOW DID I NOT NOTICE THAT?" Murakami threw her hands back in an exasperated gesture.

"Honestly, you're not even the only one. I swear EVERY time I mention that I like girls it's like I'm talking to a wall and then the next time it comes up suddenly everyone's shocked again."

"That actually explains a lot of things. Like in a good way." Daina smiled at the girl. "Have you crushed anyone from the class?"

"Well, duh, have you seen the girls? I mean MOMO?" Tsuyu laughed. "What about you?"

"Well, not exactly."

"What does that mean, lady??"

"Hmm, ever since the beginning I kind of noticed Todo but you know, not much more than that. And I think our friendship has gone a long way. He came to hug me and to reassure me after my breakdown, it was SO sweet I could cry." I mean she kinda did.

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